10 Essential Apps For Pregnant Women

If you are pregnant, do not miss these apps that you will love to have on your mobile from now on!
10 essential apps for pregnant women

Being pregnant is the most beautiful experience that a woman can live, but it is important to keep track of several important aspects of this stage. Meet 10 apps that can be very useful … you will want to have them all on your mobile!

Today, future moms have a lot of information that will help them have a healthy pregnancy and live to the fullest each of the scenarios that occur in this state . Fortunately, technology did not forget about pregnant women by making a hundred applications available, which serve as support and guidance at this time.

These apps for pregnant women can be available for both iOS and Android . In this way, you have nothing to worry about the compatibility of these tools and your mobile. So, all you have to do is visit your phone’s application library and discover those options that will surprise you.

From programs that will give you the opportunity to do medical consultations, to tools to find the perfect name for your baby … In this technological age where women are very involved with these devices, there are no excuses to enjoy those opportunities that are at our fingertips to have a happy pregnancy.

The 10 best apps for pregnant women

In this sense, when a woman hears this beautiful news, she has a long list of questions that will grow over nine months. However, you will not always have the possibility to call the doctor you trust to clarify your doubt or you will not find a satisfactory answer.

1. BellySnaps 

With this application that is suitable for iOS you will be able to send beautiful photos to your relatives, in a fast and original way. With this alternative, you will be able to keep a detailed record of the evolution of your tummy.

2. Ipregnant: one of the apps that you will like the most

You will have useful information about the uterine growth, weight and length of the baby from month to month, you can activate alarms and it includes an agenda where you can make your personal notes.

3. My pregnancy day by day :

It has advice, to give you incredible options such as a calculator of Birth , a nutrition guide, goal list, and goal achievement.

4. Happy pregnancy :

It is quite easy to use and allows you to keep a detailed track of the growth of your little angel.

5. Gestavida

As if that were not enough, this app offers you wise advice and recommendations for your personal care, manages all the activities you must do and gives you a space to write down the pending things.

6. Baby Names Pro

If you still cannot agree with your partner regarding the name of your little one, do not hesitate to install this program. You will have it much easier! 

7. MamiTown, another of the apps that you will like!

Discover everything you can and cannot eat in these months. This app is essential for pregnant women because it has a large food database, where you can find out the properties and ideal portions.

8. Contraction Timer

It works like a stopwatch but to keep track of the contractions . In addition, you have to activate the count when you feel the discomfort and press the button again to finish it.

9. Yoga for pregnant women

Learn to perform an incredible number of exercises that will help you feel calm and relaxed. On the other hand, this app is in English, you can follow the instructions with the tutorial videos that are published.

10. Fit moms

In 2012, it received the award for Best International Health APP. Forget about sedentary lifestyle and get active with a special fitness exercise routine, preparation for childbirth and a guide to bring the world to your baby  calmly.

Technology in the postpartum, other apps to know

Once you have your baby in your arms, you will realize that you still have a lot to learn. You’ve probably read thousands of articles on how attend your child, the basic care of a newborn, the reasons that explain the baby’s crying, etc. Doubts can attack you more strongly. Therefore, you can use these essential applications for postpartum:

  • Cry Traslator. This app serves as an effective translator of your baby’s crying, just by placing the phone near him for about 10 seconds you will know if he is crying from hunger, cold, heat, etc.
  • Fever Children Plus. This app will be very useful to control the taking of medicines, calculate the exact dose according to weight and set alarms for the next intakes.

Right now, It never hurts to have an ally as effective as the essential apps for pregnant women and in the puerperium . Of course, let yourself be carried away by your maternal instinct and listen to your heart to solve any problem.

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