12 Phrases By Lev Vygotsky About Childhood

Lev Vygotsky’s phrases convey to us his ideas about childhood development and education. Do you want to know some of them?
12 quotes from Lev Vygotsky about childhood

There are many authors who, over the years, have focused on the study of the psychology of development and the education of children, formulating multiple theories in this regard. Some of the most important were Piaget, Bandura, Bruner, Erikson or Vigotsky. Do these names sound familiar to you? You should know them! In this article we will mention various phrases of Lev Vygotsky.

In this sense, it is recommended that you get to know him since, through his famous phrases, we can better understand his point of view and his explanations on developmental development and the learning process in childhood.

Who was Vygotsky and what were his ideas about childhood?

Lev Semenovich Vygotsky was an important Russian psychologist who was born in 1896 and died in 1934, when he was just 37 years old. Despite its short life, it left us many contributions on different topics related to psychology, education and the development of children. Thus, this focused on the study of:

Mother talking to her daughter and telling her some Lev Vygotsky phrases to motivate her.
  • The relationship between learning and social interaction with the environment.
  • The importance of play in childhood.
  • Sociocognitive development in early childhood.
  • The appearance of language and communication.
  • The construction of written language.

Thus, according to this author, evolutionary development is the result of a process of interaction between the child and his environment, both family, social and cultural. Therefore, social relationships are essential for the acquisition and mastery of different knowledge, skills and intellectual capacities.

In addition, according to Vygotsky, children also form and consolidate their thoughts, attitudes and values, based on what is observed in their interactions with the world.

All these ideas and thoughts of Lev Vygotsky that we have mentioned so far are collected in some of his famous phrases about psychology, education, learning and development in childhood. Next, we recommend 12 of these phrases. Read them carefully!

12 quotes from Lev Vygotsky about childhood

  1. “Human learning presupposes a specific social nature and a process by which children access the intellectual life of those around them.”
  2. “What children can do with the help of others may, in a sense, be even more indicative of their mental development than what they can do alone.”
  3. “What a child can do today with help, he will be able to do himself tomorrow.”
  4. “While playing, a child always behaves beyond his age, beyond his daily behavior. As he plays, it’s like he’s bigger than he is. ”
    Children outdoors reading some of Lev Vygostky's phrases.

  5. “Any function present in the cultural development of the child appears twice or in two different planes. In the first place, it appears on the social plane, and then later on the psychological plane. In principle, it appears between people and as an interpsychological category, to later appear in the child (subject of learning) as an intrapsychological category ”.
  6. “The true direction of the development of thought is not from the individual to the social, but from the social to the individual.”
  7. “Learning is like a tower, you have to build it step by step.”
  8. “Educational agents can facilitate learning, but the student must build it.”
  9. “If we give students the opportunity to talk to others, we give them frameworks to think for themselves.”
  10. “From the perspective of the future, pedagogy is an immense source of possibilities in the formation of man and his future.”
  11. “Learning is more than acquiring the ability to think; it is the acquisition of numerous skills to think about a great variety of things. “
  12. “The game is a changing reality and, above all, a driver of the mental development of the child”.
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