13 Keys To Connecting With A Teenager

The adolescent stage is a complicated stage. Adolescents are defining their personality and, therefore, difficulties arise in the relationship with their parents. These keys to connecting with a teenager can help you get through this period better.
13 keys to connecting with a teenager

Adolescence is one of the most complicated stages that affects the family relationship, but there are keys to connecting with an adolescent and avoiding getting on our nerves and irritating us with their behaviors.

We all know that both children and adolescents take as an example what their parents or older siblings do. The way in which we face the adversities of life and the quality of relationships will be the best inheritance we can leave to our children.

To deal with adolescents, it is best to do it from love and communication. This will be key so that we can connect with them and we can serve as support and guidance whenever they need us. Here are some tips to help you in your relationship with your adolescent child.

Keys to connecting with a teenager

Let it communicate

Show them, with sincerity, respect and understanding, that whenever they need us we will be there, that we will never be busy for them. When they see that we have that availability to listen to you, they will be willing to tell you and communicate with you.

Learn to listen to connect with a teenager

If we show interest in listening to him, he himself will fill the silences in the conversation with his feelings, fears, aspirations, etc. So, it is best to refrain from ending conversations with sermons or advice that is not asked of you.

Mother talking with her daughter applying the keys to connect with a teenager.

Teach him to love

The way in which we express and demonstrate our love, care and affection towards the family will teach them to love freely and generously, thus establishing satisfying relationships.

Let it express itself

Instead of questioning him, let him tell what he needs and then you ask him, for example:  “What do you think about it?” “How do you plan to solve it?”, “What is it that worries you?” These questions will lead to a conversation that can be very productive for both of you.

Earn their trust to connect with a teenager

We need to show him that he can trust us, that we won’t embarrass him or get hysterical because he tells us the truth. The more trust you have in us, the more we can advise you on life’s difficulties and help you, if you need it.

Put yourself in their place

To connect with a teenager, we must try to see the world through their adolescent eyes, not our own, as adults. If we insist on controlling their actions and that they behave differently, what we are doing is removing them from us.

Accept your friends

Even if we don’t like their friends, we must accept them and give ourselves the opportunity to meet them. Accepting your friends or partners is the best way to strengthen our bond with them. We can advise, inform, but never speak ill of your friends; let him be the one to realize whether or not that friendship really interests him.

More keys to connecting with a teenager

Value their feelings

Although his romantic relationships may seem bad to us, we should not criticize them without taking into account the emotional impact that our words may have on him, because he may be more emotionally involved than we think.

Be understanding when connecting with a teenager

When a problem, sadness or disappointment arises, the best we can do is give a hug, a kiss, a caress or say a simple “I’m sorry” , show our unconditional support and save ourselves the “I already told you”.  What you need is to feel protected and informed.

Father giving a hug to his teenage son.

Keep that in mind

If we ignore it, we are producing the same effect as if we criticized it. If we don’t pay attention to him, he may think that no one cares or that he is rejected. And it is at that moment when they use negative means to attract attention.

Remember that teenagers are very vulnerable

As much as the pimps or aggressive ones are made, we must know that they are still very vulnerable. Just a way to put on armor to protect yourself. Whatever happens, they need our love, and recognition.

Encourage him to persist

When you think you are destined for failure, lose your self-confidence or stop trying. Here, our mission will be to encourage them to persist and take another direction that may be more suited to their capabilities.

Help them to recover

Teens often sink, feel sad, and hopeless. We have to encourage them to overcome that state of mind and show them how they can overcome their emotional difficulties and think about how they can solve them.

These are some keys that can help us connect with a teenager. Rather than getting upset, these secrets can help you get along with your teen and help him get through this critical period.

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