18 Love Phrases To Dedicate To Your Children

These love phrases to dedicate to your children will be very useful to connect with those feelings that you carry within you.
18 love phrases to dedicate to your children

They say that the purest and most unconditional love that exists is that of a father and a mother for their children. In this sense, the feeling may be so great that sometimes it is difficult to find the words, therefore, we are going to give you some phrases of love to dedicate to your children.

From the moment a woman knows that a new being is growing within her, her life changes and her gaze is always on that little boy, regardless of how old he is.

The importance of telling your child how much you love him

Being open with children about emotions is of the utmost importance, especially when it comes to showing them how much you love them.

Mother hugging and dedicating phrases of love to her children.

They need to feel safe in an environment that strengthens them and helps them develop confident and self-reliant. These are some of the benefits of telling your child how important he is to you.

  • Better self-esteem . When we speak of self-esteem we refer to the own conscience that each one has of himself. By reinforcing your children with positive and loving messages, you are conveying that you love them just the way they are, and this affects their own acceptance and worth.
  • More trust between parents and children. By saying phrases of love to your children, you are opening yourself up to them, showing yourself vulnerable and close. This also makes them feel confident about approaching you.
  • Encourage children to be calm and happy . Feeling loved and accepted allows them to grow by exploiting their potential to the fullest.
  • It affects their emotional intelligence . When your children are able to express their emotions and feelings, it means that they are able to connect with them and, therefore, get to know each other better. This makes them more responsible and empathetic.

Some love phrases to dedicate to your children

So that you can practice and express your feelings, we leave you a little inspiration with these beautiful phrases full of tenderness and affection.

  1. “The arms of a mother are of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.” Victor Hugo.
  2. “No love is as great as that a father has for his child.” Dan Brown.
  3. “When a newborn squeezes his father’s finger for the first time with his little fist, he has it trapped forever. Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
  4. “My love for you is higher than the sky and wider than the galaxy.”
  5. “There is only one beautiful child in the world and every mother has it.” Josep Pla.
  6. “Thinking of my happiness, I remembered you.
  7. “You have been a great teacher. You were just born, you taught me to love ”.
  8. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Not even me. You have a dream, protect it. When someone can’t do something, they will tell you that you can’t either. You want something, go for it ”. From the movie In Pursuit of Happiness.
  9. “All the emptiness of my life is filled by your smiles.”
    Mother hugging her daughter with a happy smile.

More love phrases to dedicate to your children

  1. “When I look into your eyes, when you smile at me, when you hold my hand, I feel that life has been worth living.”
  2. “It doesn’t matter what you say, it doesn’t matter what you do, it doesn’t matter where you are. I will always love you ”.
  3. “You are the most beautiful story that destiny wrote in my life.”
  4. “I will protect you until you are grown, and then I will continue to protect you.
  5. “In the depths of your eyes I found paradise.”
  6. “All the emptiness of my life is filled by your smiles.”
  7. “If I could give you something, I would give you the possibility of seeing you through my eyes.”
  8. “May life give you back all the happiness you gave me at birth.
  9. “My love for you is a guiding star that takes me on great adventures in a whole new world.”

We hope that these 18 love phrases to dedicate to your children will inspire you and help you connect with all those feelings that you carry inside.

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