5 Keys For Your Child To Enjoy Math

5 keys for your child to enjoy math

All children are different and their tastes are too, and when it comes to school subjects, mixed emotions are manifested: they may be passionate about mathematics or come to hate it. How to instill in your child a love of mathematics?

Encourage your child to taste and dedicate what does not appeal to him by teaching him with enthusiasm and  a positive attitude. You must bear in mind that now there are new methods to teach mathematics, totally different from those used when you went to school.

Do not be very formal with the little one when teaching mathematics, put aside the exercise books and the illustrative cards, the safest thing is that your child will learn with these methods in a few years, when he goes to school.

Hatred of mathematics can be harmless since it occurs for some reasons such as: frustration, stress or difficulty in the subject.

Children think that mathematics is for geniuses, some do not see the importance of mathematical knowledge to function in life and teachers or parents do not use everyday means to bring their students or children closer to being interested in this subject.

The day to day of our children and mathematics

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Children do not see much relationship between what they learn in school and their environment because the knowledge they are taught is learning for the future. Mathematics cannot compete with the appeal of a soccer game, a video game or painting, activities that also require less effort.

You can ask your child to help you measure the ingredients you will use to make dinner, so he will learn math in a fun way.

Explain that doctors, architects, and astronauts use math in their jobs, that they understand that math will help them develop good problem-solving skills.

Teaching them mathematics is not something you can do from one day to the next, this skill is being built little by little because this subject requires a lot of concentration and a considerable dedication of time on the part of parents, teachers and students. Don’t forget that the most important teacher in your child’s life is you.

5 keys for your child to enjoy math

Here are some recommendations for your child to become interested in mathematics:

  • Promote interactive activities, you can give them small objects to use counting and solving problems, they could also use their fingers
  • With games enhance the learning experience. Teach them concepts, don’t let them just memorize everything, make sure your child understands
  • Encourage his motivation daily, at a constant pace, help him once a day at least 2 times a week so that he has fresh concepts. At the end of the day, you should reward him in some way, either by giving him a gift or a hug telling him how smart he is. This will give you confidence and will make it better every day.
  • Be patient and never go faster than your child can learn, but don’t go too slow either. If you go over the same topic a lot, it will get bored very quickly
  • Do not be angry if he is wrong, thinking in a logical way is much more important than being given the correct answer.

    Help kids improve their numerical skills

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    Start by playing with him; ask him questions, identifying shapes, “How many triangles do you see in that picture of the house?” Notice patterns: “If the drawing has a blue circle, then a red circle, and then a blue circle, what color does it follow?”  Make comparisons: “which sock is big and which is small?”. Developing those skills early in life will give them confidence and motivation.

    Encourage him to participate in shopping, calculate the prices in front of your child

    While playing with his friends and asking for cookies, for example, you can ask him the following: “There are four cookies left, if I give one to you and one to your friend, how many will be left for Dad and me?” Give him time to answer you and don’t worry if he doesn’t answer you correctly.

    Board games are a great option, you can use two dice instead of one to practice adding

    As children get older they can use money in games like Monopoli, it will help them learn to add and subtract. Always in a fun and pleasant way, so you will achieve your taste for mathematics.

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