5 Keys To School Motivation

We often see children and young people who go to school reluctantly. Don’t worry, they are not a basket case. Recognizing the cause of this demotivation and putting certain recommendations into practice will help you reverse this behavior.
5 keys to school motivation

School motivation is a fundamental aspect of the educational process. If the child is not enthusiastic about a successful learning process, it is time for parents and teachers to jump into action to give it a little boost. How to do it? We will see some techniques to achieve this below.

Motivation is linked to the interest, enthusiasm and energy that a person offers when performing a certain action. It occurs frequently in many areas: sports, work, school or university.

It is in this last field where we will stop in order to analyze school motivation. We can conclude, based on the above, that school motivation is made up of the commitment and will that a child or young person puts in their educational process.

It may happen, however, that this motivation is not indicated on many occasions. For different reasons, a student may feel disinterest or even rejection towards school and everything that it implies. That is when the elders around him must appear to re-guide him in his educational journey.

Why can the lack of school motivation occur?

Disinterest in studies can be caused by a wide variety of factors. First, we could list those that have to do properly with the student. If the child or young person considers the topics he addresses in class useless or if they are boring, it is very likely that his enthusiasm for learning will decline.

Also, suffering from a learning disorder will have the same effect. In this case, you may be discouraged that everything is difficult and feel that your efforts are in vain.

Helping your children do their homework can be a way for them to gain motivation

On the other hand, we can also cite external elements to the student that also affect their mood to face their school obligations. The main one is the home: if it does not receive the attention it needs from the parents or if, on the contrary, the demands are too high, its performance will surely suffer.

In the same way, if they are not encouraged from home, live under strict rules, or their parents’ parenting style is authoritative, they may feel like breaking those commandments and leaning towards their own preferences and decisions.

5 keys to motivate a boy to study

1.- Encourage it from home

You can appeal to the stories of important people, such as presidents or famous scientists. This way you will see that your efforts may pay off valuable in the future and you will not feel that everything you read, practice and learn will be of no use in a few years.

It happens to many young people that, having not been persuaded to devote their efforts to studying from home, they consider that this is not important for their future. Therefore, if you want your child to do well in school, the best thing you can do is get involved, help him and know his concerns.

2.- Realistic objectives and assessment of results

Not all students are trained to excel in all subjects. Consequently, it would be illogical for all parents to expect this of their children.

It is important that you recognize your child’s abilities and set goals accordingly. This does not mean that you do not encourage him to improve himself, much less that you underestimate him. It simply means that you should value their efforts, even if they are not the best in the class. It’s about giving your best.

3.- Adequate environment for learning

It is the educator’s own task. Making each of the students feel involved and heard, with their doubts and certainties, is essential for school motivation.

In addition, educational tools should be incorporated (they may be technological or not) that facilitate playful and participatory activities. Likewise, an atmosphere of companionship and collaboration among the children will be fostered.

A child who understands the benefits of subjects will be more motivated to study.

4.- Be aware of the particularities of each child

We are not all equal. And much less the children. Some will be good for reading, some will be good for drawing, and some will be good for math. Similarly, some prefer to work in groups, while others do better alone.

The teacher, therefore, must know how to motivate each of the students in the appropriate way. In this way you can also enhance the innate abilities of each one.

5.- Remain open and receptive

It never hurts to ask the students themselves how they would like to approach a certain topic, what place they would like to visit or which activities they find most productive.

After all, they are the main actors in the educational process. Beyond the fact that a model must be followed that escapes the responsibility of the student, there is no one better than them to make corrections that serve to improve the final result.

If these recommendations are taken into account and put into practice, the child will see in school a place of strengthening of their virtues instead of a mere fulfillment of imposed obligations. This is essential: whoever does what they like in a conducive environment will undoubtedly do it better and with greater motivation.

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