6 Books For Pregnant Women

While being a mother will be a blessing for you, it is not an easy task. You will run into countless situations to attend to, you will have to seek advice and even at some point shout for help! To help you, we show you 5 books for pregnant women.
6 books for pregnant women

In pregnancy, each day can be a challenge for you, and more so if you are a new mother. Reading books for pregnant women during the gestation period could help you prepare for the arrival of your baby.  There are several types: self-published, advice, anecdotes, emotional and psychological. Some even have a touch of simplicity and humor.

What book to choose?

While the cover might give you an idea of ​​its content, you would do well to ask other moms for recommendations. You can even check with some publishers you already know about the best-selling pregnancy books for the quality of their content.

Especially, being a new mother, we recommend opting for books for pregnant women with simple language. However, make sure that they also allow you to immerse yourself in your new identity as a mother.

6 book recommendations for pregnant women

Being pregnant, you need to spend more time on yourself. Therefore, reading will be an uplifting source of relaxation that you need at this stage.

In addition, it is something that will help you in this new training process. Next, we show you six works that would be a good option.

1.- Guide for new moms

This one comes from a renowned publisher, Larousse. His team of editors managed to compile a simple and very practical guide for the first 12 months of your baby’s life.

Because it is a period of many challenges, the book exposes the new experiences of the mother and how not to be overwhelmed by new activities. It deals with topics such as feeding, the baby’s crying and the risks and complications that arise in certain cases.

2.- Breastfeeding with love: Guide to breastfeeding

The renowned writer Camilla Conti instilled a lot of passion in her pages; In them, it tries to instill or educate the future mother about the benefits and importance of breastfeeding, a diet that some mothers, for professional and even aesthetic reasons, are leaving aside.

You can find many tips and solutions in pregnancy books.

In particular, the content becomes profound in trying to make the mother live that moment and enjoy intimacy with her baby.

3.- Early stimulation. Activity guide

This book is presented by the writer Liliana Stein and stands out for its practicality in offering advice for future parents on  how to start stimulation in the different stages.

It covers from the gestation period to the first years of your baby’s life. It is not a boring book, as it contains a series of activities to work on your child’s development.

4.- A gift for life

It is a book that the author Carlos González presents to us. This issue has been listed as one of the essential books for pregnant women.

Its content is scientifically based but uncomplicated on breastfeeding, maternal care and the most common doubts about the first months of pregnancy and the baby already born. It has an easy to understand language; its pages overflow with love and respect for this stage in the life of the mother with her son.

5.- The concept of the Continuum

This author, Jean Liedloff, created an exciting book using the basics of natural parenting and the developing attachment between mother and baby. The journey goes from expressions of affection, sleeping with children, the value of respect, food and knowing how to listen.

6.- Relaxing Mum (of coffee with milk)

Unlike the previous ones, this is a particular option among the books for pregnant women; the editors thought of the new mother.

Sara Palacios, the author, uses a lot of humor and brilliance to make this book fun for women approaching motherhood. Thus, it allows them moments of laughter and relaxation and helps them release the many tensions of day to day.

Books for pregnant women will offer you the relaxing moment you deserve.

If you are pregnant, there are many questions and doubts that will come to your mind. And although there are many books for pregnant women, do not focus on reading them all; that could generate other doubts.

Keep in mind that, at this stage of pregnancy, you have to avoid stress and worry. So take it easy; Do some research on the author first and read the foreword to the book. When you have decided on one, immerse yourself in a new world full of experiences and learning.

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