7 Phrases About Grandparents Full Of Love

Grandparents cook, take care of, play, advise and hug like no one else. We dedicate a few lines to highlighting the wonderful role they play in the lives of their grandchildren.
7 phrases about grandparents full of love

Parents are the main attachment figures for children. But, fortunately, as they grow, they can also draw on other wonderful and meaningful family relationships. Among all of them, the one they maintain with their grandparents deserves a special mention, as special as that intergenerational bond loaded with love, hope and learning on both sides.

Therefore, to honor the irreplaceable role that these figures play for infants, we want to show you some phrases about grandparents that will make you remember the incalculable value of their presence in the lives of your children.

If you were lucky enough to meet your grandparents, surely you will remember with infinite affection and nostalgia the time you shared. In addition, it is likely that, since you became a mother, you have become aware of the support that your parents provide in raising your children and of the beautiful bond that has been forged between them.

Nothing is more comforting than seeing the love they profess, the complicity they share and the way they enrich each other. And it is that, truly, grandparents play a wonderful role.

7 phrases about grandparents full of love

Grandmother cooking pastry recipes with her grandchildren.

1. “There are parents who do not love their children; there is no grandfather who does not adore his grandchildren “

Being a parent and being a grandparent are vastly different roles. The second, free of pressures, demands and responsibilities, offers the opportunity to genuinely enjoy and love a child.

Grandparents do not feel the need to educate their grandchildren, to judge their behavior or to correct them: that is the task of their parents. For this reason, they are able to fully accept them and adore them in their purest essence, seeing them through loving crystals that seem to only let the good of those little ones pass.

2. “One of the joys of being a grandfather is to see the world again through the eyes of a child”

Any grandfather or grandmother can affirm that the arrival of their grandchildren was an injection of energy, that their presence is stimulating and that, in their company, they re-experience the illusion of childhood. The grandchildren are the engine of the grandparents, a revitalizing breath of fresh air that makes them forget their age and recall previous stages full of innocence.

3. ” The best place to be when you are sad is your grandfather’s lap”

Where does a child go when his parents scold him, when he feels attacked or misunderstood? What is your refuge when other adults deny your requests or when your scraped knees hurt after falling while playing? Grandparents are an inexhaustible source of love and comfort, always open arms to turn to and to feel at home in.

4. “Grandparents are the angels of grandchildren”, one of the best phrases about grandparents

They cook the most delicious meals, tell the best stories, and give the warmest hugs. They are the first friendly face a child sees when nervously looking at the audience at a school performance  and the omnipresent, kind shoulder on which to cry when something goes wrong. Grandparents are true earthly angels.

5. “A grandfather is a father who has a second chance”

It is paradoxical to see that man or that woman who were strict or unloving parents indulge in flattery and praise with their grandchildren, allow them everything and even sit and play with them on the carpet for hours. And it is that having grandchildren is receiving the wonderful opportunity to correct everything that was not known to do previously and, now, with the experience of the years and a tender heart, it can finally surrender.

Grandparents enjoying the mountains with their grandchildren.

6. “No one can do for children what grandparents do: they sprinkle a kind of stardust over their lives”

With their gray hair, wrinkled skin and their desire to love their grandchildren, grandparents transform the lives of the little ones. There is no greater adventure than listening to them talk about past times, sleep next to them or walk hand in hand; everything, next to him, is full of magic.

7. “Grandparents should be eternal” , another of the best phrases about grandparents

The previous sentences about grandparents highlight that their value is incalculable and the void that they leave with their absence is impossible to fill. Therefore, one of the great injustices in life is having to fire them; that they see their grandchildren being born and they have to see them die. Thus, if your children have the immense fortune of having their grandparents, encourage them to treasure every moment they spend together.

Children who grow up with grandparents are safer and happier

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