8 Foods To Avoid While Breastfeeding

As mothers, we must know what foods we can consume or not while we breastfeed, since everything incorporated is transmitted to the baby through breast milk.
8 foods to avoid while breastfeeding

As in the gestation period, breastfeeding mothers must take good care of their diet. There are foods that should be avoided while breastfeeding because they can harm the baby’s health ; Here we tell you what they are and why.

In this period, the feeding must be, above all, very orderly. It is not necessary to eat large amounts as many people recommend; What you really have to watch out for is that it is balanced and that it provides a good dose of nutrients.

Characteristics of feeding during lactation

As long as the mother is breastfeeding, what can be called a ‘strong breakfast’ is allowed. This includes, for example, a fried egg or omelette, some fresh or dried fruit — hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts — and also ham with some bacon and chicken.

The diet of the mother who breastfeeds her baby should be varied, abundant in vitamin D and loaded with vitamin C and noble fats, such as butter and egg yolk. It is also recommended to have a good snack: tea with toast, jam, fresh cheese and honey. As for dinner, it should not be very copious, but vegetables should not be lacking.

In this sense, food overload during this period is harmful, as it can be harmful to some organs such as the liver and heart. So, it is essential to improve eating habits.

For this purpose, it is necessary to balance fats, vegetables, legumes, fruits, meats, ham, brains, soups, liver, giblets, chicken and their respective broth, fish, jams, sweets, milk, water and other foods in the same diet.

On the contrary, an exaggerated intake of dairy is not necessary to be able to produce breast milk.  The secretion of this is much more complex and other variables intervene to consider.

It is also important to remember that it is essential to consult with the treating physician regarding the diet to be maintained. This professional will be the one who will determine which foods to avoid while breastfeeding. The 

Daily food regimen for the nursing mother

In reference to the amounts of the different foods that will make up the daily diet of a nursing mother, there are:

  • Bread: 400 grams.
  • Meat: 170 grams.
  • Milk: 400 grams.
  • Soup: 250 grams.
  • Sugar: 20 grams.
  • Fresh vegetables: 500 grams.
  • Fruit: 200 grams.
  • Fat cheese: 40 grams.
Fruit salads are a refreshing option for children in summer.

Now, just as the mother must follow a healthy diet during breastfeeding, there are foods that are harmful at this time. It is best to avoid them to preserve your health and that of the baby.

8 foods to avoid while breastfeeding

Among the foods that should be avoided during breastfeeding, the following stand out:


Chickpeas and broad beans are included here, among others. They should be avoided because they alter the functioning of the baby’s large intestine;  therefore, they cause flatulence and congestion in it.


In this group we have, for example, orange, mandarin, guava and passion fruit, among others. These are detrimental to a child’s digestive function and can lead to heartburn.

However, they are positive in terms of their vitamin intake; everything will depend on the woman’s tolerance towards this type of food.


It is one of the condiments that the mother should completely eliminate from her diet if she is used to consuming it. Spicy foods interrupt intestinal function in terms of the rhythm of evacuations, something that can cause very annoying symptoms in the little one.


Although it seems unusual to avoid this food during breastfeeding, it is advisable to do so because it is negative in terms of emotional development and the baby’s mood. Its consumption can cause irritability and even colic in the infant.

However, there are those who claim that this vegetable not only does not cause discomfort, but can even be beneficial due to its content of polysaccharides, flavonoids and fructans, among other nutrients.

Broccoli and cauliflower

The consumption of this type of legumes provides the child with annoying colic. In addition, its compounds have been published to produce a certain taste change in milk, although in reality children are not able to perceive it.


Coffee is another of the foods that should be avoided during breastfeeding, as it interferes with the baby’s normal sleep phase. In this way, insomnia and nervousness are promoted and the healthy development of the baby’s brain is interrupted.

Mothers who work from home should try not to mix leisure time with work obligations.

Dark meat fish

You should avoid consuming this type of fish at least until the baby is one and a half years old. With this precaution, you avoid triggering episodes of allergies.

Already mentioned some foods that should be avoided while the mother is breastfeeding, it is convenient to emphasize that each organism is different. Therefore, the way in which the body reacts to a diet can differ greatly from what happens with other mothers.

With the help of your treating specialist and depending on the physiological condition of the baby, you can organize an appropriate diet for both. Never make decisions for yourself, you can guide yourself through the documentation but it is always best to have the approval of your doctor.

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