8 Tricks And Exercises To Have A Firm Chest

8 Tricks and exercises to have a firm chest

To have a firm breast you do not need to undergo expensive treatments, invasive surgeries, buy the most expensive creams on the market. .. If you want to regain the firmness of your bust after having breastfed for a long time, we suggest you follow the following tips.

Tricks to have a firm chest

Woman, it is important that you know that just by applying the tricks that we propose you will not lift your bust in a week. There is no magic in them.

It is the combination of all and in a prolonged period that will act in favor of the goal you are pursuing.

That said, we cannot fail to advise you the following:

Avoid the big regimes

If you have already stopped breastfeeding and want to lose weight, you should know that the so-called lightning diets, those that make you lose several kilos in a week, in addition to being harmful to your health, are enemies of the firmness of your breasts.

When diets remove fat from your body abruptly, the breasts that are made up mostly of fat lose a good amount of it, thus becoming saggy.

It is recommended that you lose weight little by little combining healthy eating with physical activity.

Hydrate yourself both inside and out

Good hydration keeps the skin smooth. Eat tropical fruits, green leafy vegetables, drink plenty of water throughout the day, and apply moisturizers to your breasts.

When the heat intensifies, take advantage of it to moisten the upper part of your breasts, the one that can be seen through the neckline of the blouse. Let your skin air dry and repeat the procedure up to five times a day.

Wear bras and watch your posture

Not wearing a bra and staying hunched over will cause the weight of your breasts and the force of gravity to contribute to your bust sagging.

To have a firm chest, use adjusters that lift your cleavage and maintain a straight posture.

Eat foods rich in collagen or that stimulate its production

Collagen is the protein that is responsible for the bra. In human skin it is found in a good quantity. There are foods that by themselves contain collagen, others stimulate its production within the body. Both of one and the other you must consume. Among all of them we can include:

  • Pig and cow legs
  • Jelly
  • Fruits and vegetables rich in lycopene (red pigment): found in red peppers, strawberries, ripe tomatoes, raspberries, cherries, beets …)
  • Bone broth
  • Foods rich in Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: sardines. Flax, chia, sunflower, hemp and pumpkin seeds. Walnuts, eggs, salmon
  • Fruits rich in vitamin C: lemon, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, tangerine
  • Viscera broth
  • Lean meats
  • Foods rich in vitamin A: liver, soybean oil, potato, papaya, cod liver oil, cheese, peach.

Exercises to have a firm chest

We have mentioned that the breasts are made up mostly of adipose tissue; however, they are located on the pectoral muscles.

Exercising the pectoral muscles greatly improves the firmness and appearance of the breasts, therefore, the exercises that we cite below can help you lift your bust.

Insert them into an exercise routine one after the other and each of them performs 50 repetitions per day.

Exercise 1

Extend your arms to the front. Glue the palms of your hands together and press against each other as you count. You will notice that the breasts contract and relax as you do it.

Exercise 2

Extend your arms to the front, flex them, place your right hand on your left forearm and your left hand on your right forearm. The objective is that you form a square between your arms and the trunk.

The left hand will force against the right arm and vice versa. As soon as you begin to perform the exercise, you will notice that your pectorals work for you.

Exercise 3

To have a firm chest extend your right arm to the front, bend the left and put your hand on the forearm of the arm that you have extended. Then press. You will see that your left pectoral is working.

Change hands and go through the same routine.

Exercise 4

Sit in a chair with your back straight. Raise your feet a little so they don’t touch the ground. Support your hands on both sides of your body and on the chair.

Grab the chair and pull it up as if wanting to lift it.

By doing this exercise, your muscles will gain strength.

Main image courtesy of © wikiHow.com

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