9 Alternatives To Avoid Yelling At Your Child

Many times, work, fatigue and problems make us feel irritated and we pay for it with the children, but this only makes the situation worse.
9 alternatives to avoid yelling at your child

On many occasions, tiredness, patience and anger make us scream at children, because it seems to us the easiest way to achieve authority and attention quickly. But nobody likes to be yelled at, and yelling doesn’t do any good either. Here we are going to see some alternatives to avoid yelling at your child.

Children’s learning will always be better if it is done in a constructive way, without yelling. In the end, these generate stress and fear in the little ones, and that is not what we are looking for. Sometimes (it has happened to all parents at some time), we lose our nerve and yell, even knowing that it is not right to do so. We are going to see some keys to avoid yelling at children.

Keys to avoid yelling at your child

The first key to keep in mind to avoid yelling at your child is that you do not want to do it, that it is clear that yelling is not good. If you think yelling is a way to educate, these tips won’t do you much good.

Become aware that you lose your nerves and sometimes you scream without wanting to

Recognizing that you sometimes resort to yelling when you’re feeling nervous, angry, or tired is the first step in avoiding yelling. In this way, every time you go to scream, you have to do your part to avoid doing it.

Father scolding his son trying to avoid yelling at his son.

Control your emotions

Screams are an expression of anger and rage. If you let yourself be carried away by this emotion, you will end up exploding like a volcano and screaming. What can you do to avoid this? You have to direct that anger towards something else; you can use relaxation techniques, mindfulness or meditation.

Work on patience to avoid yelling at your child

Yes, patience can be exercised. Patience is not something you are born with; patience, like everything else, can be trained by controlling emotions and with determination. In this way, you will have more patience every day.

Don’t pay for your problems with the children

Sometimes, you come home tired or irritated from work and you end up paying it with someone you should not do. But children end up being the last straw after a hard day’s work. Therefore, try to relax before entering the house ; doing breathing exercises will help us calm down.

Don’t put yourself at the level of the children

Remember your age and that of your children. You should not put yourself on their level; children do childish things and they make mistakes, like everyone else. We are here to correct those mistakes and guide them.

Use, like your child, the turtle technique

Just like this technique is used with children, adults can also put it into practice. When you feel angry and about to scream, think of a turtle crawling into its shell and, in there, count to 10, until you calm down.

Look for alternatives so that they obey you

One technique that you can use and that is very effective is the sandwich technique. This consists of first telling the child what he is doing well, then you tell him what he is doing wrong or what you want him to change, and you end up thanking him for trying and trying.

Mother trying not to yell at her daughter to scold her.


Do not forget that parents are the role models for our children, so ask your child for forgiveness when necessary. In this way, you will be teaching him to ask for it too.

Never lose respect for your children

If you end up yelling and badmouthing your children, you will lose respect if you don’t have it for them.

Why you should avoid yelling at your child

  • If you yell, the children will obey out of fear, but in the long run this will lose its effect. When they are older, they will end up looking for authoritarian models, which are the ones they have been raised with.
  • If you yell, you are teaching children that things are solved by yelling and they will do the same.
  • If you think that shouting generates authority, you are wrong; the only thing that they produce is that the children end up distancing themselves from their parents.
  • Yelling damages their self-esteem and they will end up being adults with many fears and they may become authoritarian and aggressive.

On how to avoid yelling at your child

As you can see, the screams do not bring anything good; They damage their self-esteem, make them fearful and even aggressive people. For this reason, it is important to avoid yelling at your child. These alternatives can be of great help to raise happy, healthy children and to respect their self-esteem. Education has to be based on respect, not on screaming and fear.

Educate without shouting

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