What To Do When Faced With Infantile Enuresis?

What to do when faced with infantile enuresis?

That children cannot control the output of their urine is a normal situation, something that happens to everyone; however, childhood enuresis begins to be a cause for concern when the child is over five years of age. This occurs on a regular basis, but at this stage we must speak of a period of three months, for it to be a problem.

To attend to these episodes, parents go to the diaper in the first years of life, but we are always concerned about helping them overcome it. However, it is cause for concern that an older child continues to have these incidents, but we usually do not know how to handle it.

Classification and causes of enuresis

To refer to enuresis, it is necessary to consider the characteristics that describe the problem; It is important to know that there is no medical condition that justifies it, that the episode occurs on a scale of two to three times a week and that it lasts for at least three months.

At least three types can be classified : nocturnal, daytime and total infantile enuresis, the latter being the most complex. It is often easier for children to control their urine during daylight hours, but it will always cost more at night.


Under normal conditions, at least one in ten children will have problems of this type, the causes are diverse, it can even be difficult to determine if our child actually complies with these. Among the most common origins in these cases are.

  • Sleep disorders
  • Urinary infections
  • Developmental delay
  • Hormonal disturbances
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Urinary tract malformations
  • Psychological problems

How to act before cases of infantile enuresis?

It is advisable to deal with this problem in a timely manner, because if we let this situation go for a long time, we can cause children to suffer some social and emotional tension, which puts them at a disadvantage with the environment.

It is good to know that most of the responsibility remains with the parents to help children with this problem. Specialists recommend that you follow the following practices.

  • Treat the issue as something normal but that must be solved, it is not wise to fall into drama or reproach them for having wet the bed. Punishments and anger derived from this problem should be avoided.
  • We can try to explain to them that many people have been in this situation, but that great efforts must be made to prevent it from happening.
  • It is advisable to make sure that the children went to urinate before sleeping, this is useful to form a habit and for the bladder to be quite empty.
  • It should also be noted that you go to the bathroom regularly during the day, this to be sure that you are not retaining urine for long periods of time.
  • Exercises to improve, such as stopping urination several times while urinating, can be helped to help you control your sphincter.
  • You may also be asked to change your bedding and pajamas after the enuresis episode has occurred, in order to recognize the importance of the problem.


  • Encourage him for his progress, something that can be achieved by inviting him to be the child who monitors his progress. We can do this by suggesting that you keep a calendar with the nights you were dry and those that were not.
  • Some parents make a habit of waking their children at different times of the night to urinate before the unintended incident occurs. This may work, but it does not allow the child to wake up naturally as it should.
  • There are some alarms that are designed to wake the child when urinating, in time for the child to get up and go to the bathroom.
  • It is possible that some doctors consider the option of prescribing a drug treatment ; This depending on the origin of the problem, because if it is a physical alteration, the indication is mandatory and also if it is a psychological cause.

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