7 Relaxation Exercises For Children

Although many times we do not notice it, anxiety and stress in children are more and more frequent. Doing relaxation exercises with the little ones is a good way to help them disconnect and get to know themselves.
7 relaxation exercises for children

Relaxation exercises for children are especially necessary in these times. Hectic life affects both children and adults, who  live under constant stimuli and demands.

This lifestyle often causes in children lack of attention and concentration, constant distractions and tension. A consequence of this are performance problems, hyperactivity and learning disorders that increasingly affect children from an early age.

A good technique to counteract these effects is to develop a routine of relaxation exercises for children. These exercises will also help to promote introspection and self-control. With practice, the child will be able to control his anxiety and adjust his own reactions to different situations.

Models of relaxation exercises for children

 1.-  Relaxation begins with breathing

People breathe naturally, without thinking about what they do. Precisely with this exercise the child’s attention will focus on the act of breathing. The respiratory mechanism will be the center of thought.

Teaching the child to feel what is happening in each part of his body that is involved in breathing is an excellent practice. You will feel the air go in through your nose, your abdomen swell, and then the air comes out. The child will be guided so that breathing is natural but efficient. One way is to count the duration of inspiration, the stay of the air inside, and the expiration.

2.- Yoga for children

Yoga occupies a prominent place among relaxation exercises for children. Yoga combines physical exercise, breathing techniques and meditation, making it one of the most complete exercises.

If you opt for yoga, it is advisable to consult a technician who will suggest the most appropriate movements and postures according to the age of the child.

Yoga for children helps them improve their level of concentration

3.- Listen to music and sing

Music is a calming instrument for the human being. Singing has accompanied the child from a very young age and, therefore, it will surely bring back memories that will reassure him.

It is advisable to choose a song that you like and that you know well. Concentrated on the song, you will relax.

4.- Mandalas

Current theories claim that mandala work has a de-stressing and relaxing effect. It is generally an activity that children are excited about, so it is easy for them to agree to dedicate themselves to it.

Mandalas are circles with various motifs that are simply observed or colored. The forms favor the relaxation of the body and the mind.

5.- “My place of peace”

This exercise takes some time to get the expected results. It is about guiding the child to imagine a safe place, where they feel comfortable. When you are in that place you must think that nothing affects you, there are no fears or reasons that cause them. You can imagine a house in the country or in the mountains, a cabin on the beach or a park with many trees and plants.

When choosing the place where the child will be guided, their tastes will be taken into account. Exercise can be accompanied by soft music.

6.- Progressive muscle relaxation

The child will be guided to understand the difference between relaxing and contracting muscles. The most appropriate posture is lying down, although it can also be done sitting down. Relaxation will begin with the head and face, followed by the neck, chest, arms, legs, and feet. During the exercise, the muscle or set of muscles to loosen will be mentioned to the child.

Previously,  the child can be presented with an image in which the localized muscles appear, so that he can locate them in his own body.

Yoga for kids is a great way to get active and spend quality family time.

7.- Massage

The massages provide well-being and calm. In children, tensions generally accumulate in the shoulders, so it is convenient to start there.  The massage gives the child security, affection and confidence, and also contributes to the construction of his body scheme.

Relaxation has a number of benefits for the child. It is important that the practice of relaxation exercises for children is installed in the lives of children as a habit. In this way you will get used to doing them yourself and you will enjoy the state you achieve with them.

4 relaxation techniques for children

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