Pros And Cons Of Breastfeeding

Feeding with breast milk conditions the microbiota in a positive way for the health of the baby.
Pros and cons of breastfeeding

As mothers we constantly worry about feeding our baby and some doubts begin to arise regarding how we should feed them. Breastfeeding is essential for them and a very important decision for their health.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Dietetic Association (ADA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend breast milk as the best diet for babies, because it helps fight infection, prevent allergies, and protect against chronic conditions. It also contributes to modulating the intestinal microflora in a beneficial way for the child, according to an article published in 2015.

Breastfeeding is good for our baby

Breast milk has many positive points in the feeding of our baby. It is totally recommended for them and is practically vital for their health. Among the many positive points we have:

1. The best nutritional option for babies. Some experts consider breast milk as the best option for our babies to obtain nutrients, since it covers all their nutritional needs.

2. Fight infections and other conditions. Breastfed babies get fewer infections, because breast milk strengthens the baby’s immune system. This also helps reduce infections such as: ear infections, diarrhea, respiratory infections and meningitis. The oligosaccharide content of breast milk contributes to the maturation of the immune system, according to an article published in the journal “Nutrients”.

3. It is very nutritious and improves digestion. Babies who receive breast milk have less difficulty digesting, and it also has many vitamins and minerals that the newborn needs.

4. Breast milk has many flavors. As we have to digest different foods during the day to be able to make breast milk, it tends to have different flavors, this means that the baby can taste different flavors, it all depends on each food.

5. Some studies point to smarter babies. Some studies carried out concluded that children fed with breast milk have slightly higher IQs than those fed with artificial milk.

6. Breastfeeding is also beneficial for the mother. If a mother feeds her baby with breast milk, she will lose calories, feel more self-confident, and develop a more intimate connection with the baby.

7. It can strengthen the mother-child bond. Some mothers report that skin-to-skin contact helps establish a special connection with their little one.


Breastfeeding has its cons too

Although breast milk has many important benefits, it also has its bad side. We will name some cons:

1. It can generate some discomfort and inconvenience. At first, breastfeeding the baby can cause some discomfort, because the mother may feel some pain when the baby takes the breast. This pain should not last more than a minute each time, if it is a constant pain that does not calm, it could be an infection.

2. The mother must maintain a diet to properly feed the baby. Breastfeeding mothers should not eat fish rich in mercury or consume toxic substances such as alcohol, according to a study published in the journal “Reproductive Toxicology.”

3. The mother has a little less flexibility with her time. If at any time you cannot breastfeed your baby, you can leave your partner or a relative with your bottle and you can feed him without problem.

4. More frequency of feedings. Infants who are often fed formula require fewer feedings because it is less easily digestible than breast milk.

5. The mother must worry too much about what to eat. If you are not breastfeeding your baby, you should not worry too much about it.

Pros and cons of breastfeeding 1

Breast milk is the best option!

1. Mothers are advised to continue breastfeeding at least until the baby is 12 months old. Even longer, if you wish.

2. Formula is also a healthy alternative. It also provides babies with the nutrients to grow up healthy. However, good quality products with a low amount of simple sugars should be chosen.

3. Make the decision to breastfeed the baby let us make it ourselves. It is a very personal choice, the important thing is to take the pros and cons of each one.

As we discussed earlier, the decision to feed our babies should be primarily ours. The important thing is to be informed and decide what is best for our baby’s health.

9 benefits of breastfeeding for you, mom

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