Cycling For Children, A Healthy Sport With Many Benefits

Cycling is a sport that encourages effort, endurance and perseverance. It also helps reduce stress and anxiety in those who practice it. Learn about all the benefits of riding a bike, below.
Cycling for children, a healthy sport with many benefits

When talking about cycling, one automatically thinks of long races and competitions. However, this sport encompasses a very broad field of exercise that is integrated into our daily lives. What’s more, you could even say that it is rare to find someone who has not practiced cycling.

Cycling begins with the first pedal strokes of tricycles and bicycles. They are “toys” that children love and ask for, as they are an ideal way to have fun and socialize while discovering their surroundings.

With the passage of time, many of these young people tend to put their bikes aside. But others are interested in this activity, as regular exercise or even as a competitive sport.

Benefits of cycling for children

Cycling stands out as a competitive sport. Since it is an individual activity, values ​​such as will, participation, effort, perseverance and knowing how to win or lose are extolled.

But in addition to instilling these principles in the little ones, this sport offers multiple benefits, both physically, cognitively and socially.

As a physical activity, cycling helps create healthy habits and strengthen the body. Among others, it strengthens the immune and circulatory systems, improves joints, increases respiratory capacity and fights obesity, a problem in many modern societies.

Children who practice it will also see their endurance, speed and agility improved. It also increases coordination and balance. In addition, cycling favors the intellectual development and social values, such as companionship, respect and tolerance, for example.

But the most notable benefits of cycling are those that affect the mood and mentality of children. This sport increases children’s self-esteem and mood and reduces their anxiety and stress.

Cycling for children is a recommended sport because it encourages their autonomy.

It also promotes social encounters, so they will easily run into playmates with whom they share interests and great moments.

An ecological means of transport

Another great benefit of cycling is that it is a clean means of transport that does not harm the environment. Children will learn to move while they acquire a certain ecological awareness and take care of their environment.

In addition, through this sport, a game for them, the little ones will begin to know the traffic and circulation rules.

This implies not only recognizing and using the spaces intended for cyclists, but also respecting other athletes, pedestrians and drivers with whom they may cross. That is, it helps to promote respect, tolerance and patience, as well as to pay attention and focus.

Get started in cycling

We have already mentioned that the beginning of cycling is in tricycles and bicycles. That is why  the task of parents in this regard will be to teach their children to ride a bicycle. At the beginning the little ones will wear training wheels to help stabilize the bike.

But once they master the basics and handle themselves with ease, there will come the dreaded time for many to remove them and ride a two-wheeled bicycle. Parental help and support will be crucial for many children at this point.

After learning to ride the bike alone, a child may decide that they like it and want to compete. Obviously, you will have to train and consider this activity more seriously, but it is important not to forget that you are dealing with children.

A relaxed childhood must have spaces for recreation and games.

You cannot adapt an adult training for the youngest: we have to bear in mind that this pressure can make children hate sport.

The outings made by children should not be long. It is better to be short but intense excursions. If they also go together, a group of friends having fun, the better. They will tire quickly at first, but they will recover just as easily.

Little by little they will increase the distance they travel. Upon reaching the cadet phase (15-16 years) the training will begin to be more serious and technical. We should not talk about obligations, but about challenges, always without exceeding ourselves. 

It is best to look for a coach who knows how to direct the outings and vary the workouts to optimize the results. For the youngest, cycling should above all be fun.

Children can be motivated and their achievements rewarded, but without pressure to train for good results. Above all, a young man who decides to train in cycling will need the encouragement, support and understanding of his parents.

Athletics for children, a complete sport

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