The Best Small Dogs For Children

If you are thinking of adopting a dog to increase family members, do not miss this information!
Best Small Dogs for Kids

Not all small dogs may be the best pet choice for children. Although many have a cute and harmless appearance (like the Chihuahua, for example) they are not always the best option. The best small dogs for children are not exactly the ones we normally think of.

There are several breeds that have the ideal character for children. These are not only easy to tame but also have, by nature, a docile, patient, protective and affectionate character. When you want to choose a pet for the home, a series of doubts begin to arise.

Therefore, if the family prefers dogs over other pets, you should bear in mind that there are many options to choose from. In addition, in the event that there are children in the home, the issues to be considered are multiplied. One of the first questions that arises is: What are the best small dogs for children?

Variables to consider

There are many factors to consider when choosing a pet. You have to establish the time you have to provide the necessary care. In addition, the physical space it requires and the economic possibilities to maintain it.

It should always be borne in mind that a pet, in this case a dog, is not a toy. It is a living being that has and develops feelings and needs. Therefore, you must learn to identify them and teach children to respect them. Establishing rules to establish a harmonious and pleasant coexistence is essential.

When choosing a puppy, it is important that the following considerations are taken into account:

  • Take into account the background of the character of the parents.
  • Find out whether or not the puppy suffered a traumatic separation from its mother.

This will determine certain behaviors of the puppy and its interaction with people. When you want to choose a small dog for children, you should know that almost any one is ideal. However, its character must be taken into account, since it can vary even between dogs that belong to the same litter.

Advantages of having a small puppy

Having a pet has several benefits for a child, if he is well managed by his parents. For example, it helps to be orderly and responsible. Children with dogs can stimulate their creativity and are less likely to develop allergies or asthma.

Another advantage of having small dogs for children is their ease of being transported. Being light, they can be used as a company anywhere. In the same way, they are the most suitable for departments or somewhat reduced spaces.

Also, it can be highlighted that they are pets with a greater capacity to be accepted in shopping centers or public spaces. This is not always the case with large dogs. In addition, they adapt better to other pets and live longer than larger breeds.

The Bichon Frize is one of the best small dog breeds for children

Best Small Dogs for Kids

Next we are going to tell you which are the best small dogs for children, they will be great options to increase the family! Remember that once you adopt him he will be part of your family forever.

  1. Bichon frize. The Bichon Frize is a small puppy with a great character. It stands out for being a breed of great adaptation to family groups. He is playful and has a cheerful temperament and is very predisposed to be affectionate. An additional advantage is that they are very clean and do not leave hair down.
  2. Carlino. It is also known by the name of Pug. It is a dog whose temperament shows balance and is comfortable with people around him. He has a great predilection for the little ones in the house with whom he integrates very well when it comes to games.
  3. The beagle. It is one of the best companion dog breeds. It is a very dynamic type of dog with a predisposition to activity, which helps children to expend their energy, playing and receiving positive stimuli.

Other small dogs for children

We can also find other small dogs for children that are also a great option to increase the family:

  • French bulldog This beautiful and unique dog has been acquiring, more and more, greater fame. One of the reasons is their sociable temperament and their predisposition to give and receive affection. In addition, they tend to take great care of the safety of children by preventing them from hurting themselves.
  • The poodle. It is also known as ” French poodle”. It is a breed of dog whose fundamental characteristic is its intelligence, which is why it has a great capacity to learn. But it is, above all, a good-natured miniature dog. It has a superior kindness to its owners and in particular to children. He has a great sense of loyalty and is cheerful and playful.
The poodle is one of the best small dog breeds for children.
  •  The mestizos. The aforementioned breeds have many virtues, but mongrel dogs are often forgotten: those that do not have a defined breed. They are usually demure street dogs, who have not had an easy life and who, for the same reason, know how to appreciate displays of affection. And they are willing to repay the care and affection that is provided. Adopting a small mongrel dog, with the advice of a veterinarian, can be an excellent lesson for children. And a good contribution to society.

    Have you already thought about which is the best dog for your family? Surely you will choose the perfect dog, because whatever it is … Once it is part of your home, it will stay in your family / pack forever!

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