7 Tips To Prevent Your Child From Getting Head Lice

Do not miss these tips to prevent your child from getting unwanted lice.
7 tips to prevent your child from getting lice

Going back to school brings with it many routines and habits already forgotten in summer. But it also brings other less pleasant experiences like head lice. Here are 7 tips to prevent your child from having to deal with them … and neither will you! 

What do you know about lice?

Lice are wingless insects that live on human hair, most often on children’s hair. These insects feed on small amounts of blood several times a day. For this reason they are very annoying, their bites can cause irritation. Especially if the person scratches a lot, the skin can become irritated making small wounds and becoming infected.

They are also very contagious, since they can pass from one person’s head to another with ease. Lice survive for up to 30 days on a person’s head and can lay up to eight eggs per day. Since lice reproduce quickly, it is best to treat them as soon as possible.

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“To tangled hair, lice of course.”


7 tips to prevent your child from getting head lice

1. Information at school

When you inform us of the existence of lice at school, the best thing is that every time you return home from school, you pass a fine comb to check and eliminate possible lice and nits.That is why it is also very important when the opposite happens and you are You are the one who must inform the school immediately so that the lice epidemic does not spread to all of your child’s classmates.

By keeping a strict control on our child’s head, any nits or lice will be immediately detected and eliminated, thus preventing them from nesting in the hair and reproducing, infecting the entire head. To do this review, it is best to divide the hair into four parts and review them slowly, passing a very fine comb or you can even use a nit.

2. Do not share

It is very important not to share combs, hats or hairpins. Because lice do not fly or jump from head to head, but rather cling to hair, and travel rapidly from an infested head to a healthy head. The main thing to avoid contagion is that they do not share with their colleagues anything that is in the head.

3. Vinegar for lice

It is a great ally in the prevention of lice. To use it correctly you can rinse your child’s hair with a mixture of vinegar and warm water in equal parts. Do not remove the vinegar, let it act, as it makes the nits that were attached to the scalp, fall alone in case you have escaped when you pass the fine comb or nit.

4. Tea tree

Tea tree oil is one of the best natural remedies out there to prevent lice. It favors their removal in a completely natural way, since when applied to the hair, it makes the nits detach from the hair, thus facilitating the subsequent extraction with a nit.

To eliminate lice with tea tree oil you have to dilute about 10 drops of it in a little water, mixing it in a spray bottle. When it is ready, shake it vigorously and spray it on the hair evenly, hitting the nape area and behind the ears, so that all the strands are impregnated by this liquid. Pick up the hair, put on a plastic cap and leave for at least 30 minutes.

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5. Lavender

Lavender oil is known for its antiseptic properties, has a very pleasant scent, and is an especially good oil for preventing lice. It is good to prevent, but it does not work to kill lice and nits. To use it correctly we make a ponytail and put a few drops of lavender essential oil behind the ears, it is an excellent natural repellent so that lice do not jump on their heads and settle there.

6. Rosemary to kill lice

The aroma of this plant also works as a repellent for lice. To make this home remedy, you just have to get hold of the essential oil of the plant and add it to your usual shampoo. You should leave the mixture to act for about 30 minutes and then rinse with plenty of water.

7. Pharmaceuticals

In the pharmacy we can find countless shampoos, lotions or pediculicidal foams. All of them should always be applied to dry hair, massaging the area lightly, and according to the manufacturer’s and pharmacist’s instructions. They are usually quite effective and the treatment is usually repeated in a few days to completely eliminate nits and lice.

From now on you have no excuses … Your children can avoid the discomfort of having lice on their head and you the hassle of having to remove them every two by three. Lice are best avoided so you don’t have to deal with them later.

Home remedies for lice

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