Stimulating Creativity In Children: Ways To Do It

Children are better able to express themselves and develop their abstract thinking when they are readily associated with creativity.
Stimulate creativity in children: ways to do it

Creativity is related to the ease or ability that a person has to invent or create something. Therefore, it is necessary to stimulate creativity in children. But how can this be done? And what benefits are obtained?

What is creativity and how does it influence children?

The concept of creativity refers to the ability of an individual to generate new concepts or ideas, which generally produces original solutions. In other words, it translates into creative thinking or original thinking. In this regard, we may agree with the following sentence:

The creative person is capable of producing innovative ideas in order to overcome obstacles when solving various problems of daily life without having to resort to anxiety or stress. It is understood then why creativity should be stimulated in children, since a constructive imagination leads to original solutions.

Importance of stimulating creativity in children

Although it is true that creativity is essential at any age, it is also true that it is appropriate to stimulate it from an early age, since it is in childhood that all skills are being enhanced and developed.

On the other hand, thanks to creativity they are able to solve problems, on many occasions, without the help of their parents, which creates independence. In this way, they can interact with other individuals more productively and without problems.

The importance of promoting creativity at the right time

Given that stimulating creativity in children is essential for generalized learning, it is necessary to take into account the fact that learning times must be respected, which vary from child to child, in order for them to develop all their imagination .

Stimulate creativity in children.

Ways to stimulate creativity in children

In view of the importance of stimulating creativity in children, it is appropriate to know how to contribute to this fact. Here are some suggestions:

  • Let the children choose the colors.  This is allowing children to color the same picture in different ways. Then they can choose which of the pictures attracts their attention the most. This encourages diversity and not monotony.
  • Establish rules when writing words.  This is to encourage children to write as many words as possible that meet specific rules, such as words that start with the letter E, like Emerald , or with the letter D, like Dice .
  • Use the combination of phrases.  This means giving children 2 or 3 words in order to form a sentence with them.

Use of questions and disguises

The use of questions cannot be overlooked , in order to get children to give ingenious answers. To achieve the goal of this method, well thought out questions must be used.

On the other hand, wearing r costumes in a certain activity helps them develop their imaginations. In this case, they can be dressed up with whatever they have on hand, and not necessarily something elaborate.

When stimulating creativity in children, you have to give them space

If you want children to be creative, you have to give them the opportunity to be. For this reason, it is important to give them space to play and be themselves, without any kind of limits, precisely while they play. This must be done within the rules of behavior established at home.

Parents must be balanced when establishing activities for their children if they want them to develop creativity. To do this, in the weekly schedule of the children, allow them to have time so that they can play freely.

Congratulating children on their ideas and innovations has a lot to do with them

It does nothing to make fun of children’s ideas. On the contrary, they must be listened to carefully, be it a story, a song or a drawing, and as far as possible, praise them for these ideas.

On the other hand, the child should be instilled in the fact that he should not laugh at other children’s ideas either. Rather, the innovative ideas of others deserve congratulations. In this way, you will be contributing to the stimulation of the creativity of other children.

Benefits of stimulating creativity in children

Some of the benefits that are obtained from stimulating creativity in children are the following:

  1. Improve self-esteem.  Since stimulating creativity actually stimulates creative resources.
  2. You have a better self-awareness in relation to what the child is capable of doing.
  3. Communication with others is improved as children learn to express their feelings and accept the thoughts of others.
Stimulating creativity in children brings them joy and well-being.

Children learn to solve their problems in an original way

By developing creativity, the ability to overcome obstacles is enhanced. Sensitivity also develops, which contributes to personal well-being not only in children, but also in adults.

The integrity of children is encouraged

Thanks to creativity, qualities such as integrity are developed with respect to life and the work that is done, because they manifest the creative characteristics of an individual, in this case, of the child.

Creativity allows the development of a special talent, and when the child freely expresses himself in creative matters, he explores his tastes in relation to work or the activity in which he develops at a certain moment. Those who develop creativity tend to be more prominent professionals, in view of the originality of their ideas.

Creativity develops independence when making decisions

In this case, decision-making includes adopting the most optimal solution when innovating to achieve an original solution to a given problem in everyday life.

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