How To Resuscitate A Baby After An Accident

How to Resuscitate a Baby After an Accident

You never know when you are going to be in front of a child who suffers an accident or chokes and stops breathing. Therefore, it is good that you know some key maneuvers when helping him, the best thing is that you are prepared. If the case is a blow to the head or an accident, the child may need first aid such as resuscitation or cardiac massage, each of these has its peculiarities.

The resuscitation maneuver may harm you if you are still breathing. Make sure he does not do it before proceeding, to do this, watch for ten seconds if the chest moves, you can also bring your cheek to his mouth to listen to the passage of air and verify.

Before starting the maneuver make sure that no one around you is disturbing you, your space must be free and clear.

If your intention is to know if he is conscious, you can do it but without shaking or shaking him, as that can be traumatic for the child, just touch him to see if he responds or put your finger under his nose to check. And if he is passed out then ask a person to help you by placing him on a hard surface on his back and with his body stretched out.

Then place your hand on his forehead to support his head and force his chin to rise. With two fingers of the other hand, hold her chin and open her mouth. If the baby is less than one year old then give him five breaths. Blow air into your mouth and nose at the same time for one second five times. Then see if it works.

If the child does not respond, give him a heart massage. Do 30 compressions in the lower third of the sternum, that is about a finger below the line of the nipples and you will do it with the index and middle fingers. Next, do two mouth-to-mouth-to-nose ventilations and another 30 heart massages.

If the child is older than one year then clamp his nose with your thumb and index finger and hold his mouth open with the other hand. Do 5 breaths of one second each by blowing air into his mouth. See if there are any changes. If the child does not respond, give 30 compressions to the lower third of the sternum with the pad of the palm of the hand.

How to Resuscitate an Older Child

If the child is older and strong, press with both hands, putting the pad of one hand over the other. Squeeze to sink a third of the width of the thorax. Next, do two mouth-to-mouth ventilations, followed by 30 chest compressions. If you are alone with the child, do these maneuvers for a minute. Then you can give him a moment to call for help.

You can start resuscitation with cardiac massage, skipping the first five breaths. The most important thing is to follow the sequence of 30 massages for every two breaths.

It is important to know that the compressions should have a constant rhythm and quite fast like three 30/2 sequences per minute. You should stop if you see that the child begins to breathe or when you feel very tired.

If you are alone with the child, do these maneuvers for a minute. Then you can give them a moment to call or ask for help. Quick action is the key to resuscitating the child. Knowing the information and the best way to proceed is an advantage when dealing with these cases.

In an accident it is vital to act

Accidental shock is the state prior to cardiac arrest. It occurs when, for various reasons, the child does not receive enough oxygen. It is a very serious situation, which requires immediate attention. For that it is very important to recognize the signs.

For example, look at the child’s appearance. When he is in a state of shock, he does not have a good skin tone, he does not respond to stimuli, he does not see if they speak to him, he is inconsolable, very agitated and has more heartbeats than normal.

You can also check their breathing. Notice if she is racing or has trouble breathing and making noises.

To help better, act guided by the signs you observe. If he breathes fast but without difficulty, take him to the emergency room. If he has trouble breathing or makes noises and is pale, call an ambulance.

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