What Should I Put In The School Pencil Case

What should I put in the school case? Will my child bring everything he needs to take notes and complete his activities? We tell you everything you need to know about the organization of your child’s utensils.
What should I put in the school case

What should I put in the school case? It is a question that is very common for many mothers. Although schools provide a list with the utensils that children need for their activities, the truth is that there are many alternatives on the market and it can be difficult to select the most optimal ones.

Therefore, t and give you a list with the best options daily utensils in school so you goals in case your child as practical, comfortable and safe. Thus, you will be able to successfully carry out all your activities.

What should I put in the school case

The school case or pencil case, as it is called in Latin America and southern Andalusia, is the most important tool for our children to transport their utensils. Having a good case provides order within the backpack and, in turn, protects the state of your materials. It is important, then, that before thinking about what to put in the school case we consider the most appropriate type of case.

What should I put in the school case? Types of case or pencil cases

The use of cases to protect writing instruments appears recorded from 1860 ; the shape they had at that time was cylindrical. From that moment, many containers began to be designed to transport pencils and pens; Today, the options on the market are many.

Basically, there are three models that reign in the market for cases: those made from resistant and washable fabrics, plastics and metal cases. The most recommended for their practicality are the cases of resistant fabrics; and if possible they also have internal divisions. This will allow you to separate large utensils such as scissors, markers, or pencil sharpeners from pencils or colors.

As for the metal holsters, they can also be useful if our child does not need to carry many utensils. However, we have to consider that your space is more restricted; In addition, they are very noisy when walking.

As a parent, I must accompany the child in the educational process.

The most practical utensils

Since we have considered what the pencil case options are, let’s also review which are the most practical utensils so you know what to put in the school pencil case. In this way, your child will not lack for anything in his case and will have everything he needs at all times.


Our child must have at least two in his case. You should always have a spare in case the one in use gets lost or broken. It is very important that you check your pencil case when you return home and make sure that you have not put away the broken portion of your pencil. If so, immediately remove it from its case; wood chips can injure you.

Pencil sharpener

Always choose for him the pencil sharpeners that have a deposit. This allows your child not to have to get up to dispose of the pencil trash. Also, check your lid well before buying it and check that it has the necessary pressure so that it does not open and spill the residue inside the case.


Drafts also come in multiple presentations. Choose the bar classics, which last much longer. It does not hurt that you also insert a replacement eraser of smaller size, because like pencils, they are objects of such regular use that they tend to get lost.

Flexible rules

Flexible rules are one of the wonders of school inventions. You can store them anywhere, not just in the case, as they fold completely. It can last the entire school year for your child, as it will not break easily; you will also avoid accidents with tougher rules.

Pair of scissors

You should always buy blunt scissors for your child, no matter how old he is. They come in different presentations and with ergonomic shapes for the hands. Buy those that are most useful according to the school activities you need to develop.

Markers and markers

The most beneficial for our children are those with the least chemicals. This prevents any contact allergy from being generated in them. Also look for those that are washable, this way it will be easier to remove stains if necessary.


Opt for the types of colors that are washable and, furthermore, that his shaft is not so thin. The thicker it is, the better the child will have a better grip and the easier it will be for him to color. So choose the ones that you think will be most comfortable for her fine motor skills.

To know what to put in the school case, I must consider all the activities that the child will have to complete.

How to store supplies in the case

If you bought a case that has internal divisions, separate large items from small items; if you like, you can do it by categories. In one area, scissors, pencil sharpener, ruler and eraser, and in the other, pencils, colors, markers and markers.

On the contrary, if your case is single-space or metallic, always place the largest objects at the bottom and the smallest at the end. Another option is to put frequently used objects last so your child can find them quickly. These tips will certainly be very useful for you. As a final recommendation, do not forget to engrave your child’s name on the case, so you will guarantee that it is returned in case of loss.

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