Healthy And Cheap Recipes For Cooking

Save time and money with these healthy and cheap recipes to cook with your loved ones. You will love them!
Healthy and cheap recipes for cooking

Nowadays, it is very easy to turn to precooked dishes, fast food and ultra-processed ones due to the low price they usually have and how striking this type of food is. However, in the long run, your health decreases and, if you add the price, it becomes more expensive at the end of the month. Therefore, we propose you some healthy and cheap recipes to cook at home. But, first of all, let’s go with a few tricks.

Tricks to save on the purchase

The first step is to get organized. How? Making the list with all the ingredients you need. We even recommend that you go to the market, since the prices are more affordable than in the supermarket.

  • Remember to prioritize those foods that are fresh and local. It is something to take into account with fruits, vegetables and vegetables, in which case it is better that they are seasonal, since they are cheaper and, in addition, they are full of flavor. They are also essential in a healthy diet.
  • Regarding protein sources, legumes and eggs are cheaper than meat and fish. However, in the latter the price will depend on the type. For example, chicken and rabbit cost less than veal or sea bass, or anchovies compared to monkfish.
  • One of the best options is to buy canned vegetables, fish and legumes, since they last for months without spoiling and you can save by buying more.
  • Cereals are an ideal basic to accompany dishes, as well as potatoes, pasta and rice. In addition, you can cook more quantity and thus save time and gas.
  • Substitute soda, juice, and alcohol for water. It is the best way to hydrate yourself, improve your digestion and feel better.
    Father and daughter cooking healthy and cheap recipes.
  • In the case of dairy, you can use white brands.
  • Some foods, such as nuts, are better to buy in bulk, since you buy the amount you need.
  • Take advantage of the leftovers to make new dishes and thus reduce waste.
  • And lastly, use olive oil and dry spices.

5 healthy and cheap recipes to cook

Country salad


  • 3 medium potatoes.
  • 2 cans of tuna in olive oil.
  • 1 raw red pepper
  • Half an onion.
  • Salt.
  • Olive oil.


First, cook the potatoes with their skins in a pot of water for about 20 minutes. Anyway, check that they are soft by poking them with a knife. Meanwhile, wash the pepper, remove the stem and seeds, cut it into cubes and put them in a bowl.

Next, chop the onion into julienne strips and add it to the same bowl as the pepper. All followed, add the tuna. Once the potatoes are ready, let them cool and peel them. Cut them into cubes and mix them with the rest of the ingredients. Season it to taste.

Sautéed macaroni with seasonal vegetables, among the healthy and cheap recipes to cook with the little ones


  • 300 g of macaroni (75 g per person).
  • Mature tomatoes.
  • 2 medium zucchini.
  • 150 g of mushrooms.
  • Grated cheese (optional)
  • Olive oil.


First, bring water to a boil in a couple of saucepans. One to cook the pasta and another to blanch the tomatoes. Next, wash the tomatoes under the tap and make a cross-shaped mark on them, so it will be easier for you to peel them. When the water boils, add them and leave them for a couple of minutes. Drain and set aside.

Pasta With Vegetables.

All followed, wash the zucchini and cut them into cubes. Clean the soil from the mushrooms with damp kitchen paper and cut them into slices. Once ready, heat a frying pan with oil. Brown the zucchini until it is soft, reserve it in a source and do the same with the mushrooms.

In another pan, fry the grated and peeled tomato with oil. Finally, mix the pasta with the vegetables and add the tomato sauce. You can top it with a little grated cheese on top.

Chickpea salad with strawberries and spinach


  • 600 g of cooked chickpeas.
  • 150 g of baby spinach .
  • 5 or 6 strawberries.
  • 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds.
  • Salt.
  • Olive oil.
  • Balsamic vinegar.


First, wash the strawberries and cut them into thin slices. Next, wash the spinach and place it in a bowl. Add the chickpeas ( if they are canned, pour them into a colander and wash them well with water ). Arrange the strawberries around in a circle. Decorate it with the pipes. Season it to taste with the salt, oil and vinegar, and voila!

Rabbit with garlic and artichokes


  • 1 rabbit.
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 250 ml of white wine.
  • 500 ml of water.
  • 6 artichokes.
  • A couple of sprigs of rosemary.
  • Salt.
  • Olive oil.


First, remove the outer leaves of the artichokes and peel the stem. Next, cut them into pieces and soak them in a bowl with water and lemon. This way you will prevent them from rusting.

Rabbit with garlic, one of the healthy and cheap recipes to cook.

Then brown the rabbit in a pot with oil. When ready, add the peeled garlic and cook for 5 minutes. Add the wine until the alcohol evaporates and add the rest of the ingredients. Leave it for at least 20 minutes and stir from time to time.

After time, check that the artichokes and the rabbit are tender and well cooked, prolonging the time until it is to your liking. Finally, remove it from the heat and let it rest for 5 minutes.

Fruit carpaccio , one of the most original healthy and cheap recipes to cook


  • Pineapple.
  • Kiwi.
  • Banana.


Peel the fruits, cut them into very thin slices and place them on a plate. You can add cinnamon or a few drops of lemon juice for flavor.

About these healthy and cheap recipes

As you have seen, eating healthy and cheap is easier than it seems, so we hope you will be encouraged by some of the recipes that we have proposed. All of them are rich in essential nutrients for iron health.

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