5 Parents’ Mistakes When Doing Homework With Their Children

5 Parents' mistakes when doing homework with their children

Doing homework with the children is a practice that a large number of families carry out, being a responsibility that has a greater incidence in the primary stage, but that undoubtedly reaches the secondary population. In general, parents help their children with their homework, which they have come to take very seriously, although there may be some disagreement on this issue.

It is not a bad thing for families to participate in the performance of homework, on the contrary it is a key to establish connections and a way of expressing their commitment to the child’s education. However, the timing of homework can become a source of conflict and even an overload for most.

The main obstacle that must be faced in these cases is the idea of ​​completing the activity in the correct way; For this, it is convenient that we concentrate on remedying the errors that we are committing in this regard.

According to the response of the Spanish teachers’ union, ANPE, using teacher Carmen Guaita as its vice-president, the main mistakes parents make when doing homework with our children are the following:


1. Object to the amount of homework

Although the duties may be many, it is not necessary to share this with the children, because the purpose is to guide them in their responsibility without giving them excuses to get negative.

If necessary, it is preferable to discuss it with teachers, rather than express our disagreement with the type of homework or the amount of these. To get children interested in fulfilling their assignment, they should be satisfied with it.

2. Turn homework into punishment

Taking children out of their leisure activities to make them do their homework violently, with scolding or as punishment for their actions, implies that they are in an attitude of rejection towards work.

In this sense, it is advisable to establish a scheduled time of the day to carry out the activity, so that the children are aware that it is mandatory and by consensus that they must abandon what they are doing to fulfill the task.

3. Anywhere is good

We may take advantage of any time and space in the house for the child to do their homework, especially when it is convenient for us as adults. For example in the kitchen while we are preparing food or in the TV room to follow what we were tuned in.

Portrait of a happy man helping his son to do homework - Indoor

However, this creates distractions and prevents full attention from being given to the task. It is advisable to have a special space for study, which has the necessary resources, is quiet and relaxed. If we cannot count on the precise location, it is recommended that the duty location be designated on a scheduled basis.

4. Not helping effectively

It is important that we take homework seriously, as a fundamental part of learning, not just another burden. Taking the activity seriously and providing the necessary support is essential for the child to focus on what he is doing. Being available to them without dealing with personal matters that can wait is convenient for the support to be effective. That is why it is important that we set a goal and encourage them to do the job well.

5. Do your homework instead

It is common for some parents to prefer to finish their children’s homework themselves, perhaps for the convenience of it being quick or to avoid complicating it in case they don’t understand.

This is a mistake that results in deficiencies in their abilities and discipline.  In their capacities because homework is an extension of the content of the class, which they will need to reinforce. As for discipline, taking away their duties implies that they lose the responsibility that is being demanded of them.

In the same way, they may come to feel that they are being supported by their parents. In addition, it allows them to tell lies, because they must tell their teachers that they made them.

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