Teaching Children To Read And Write According To Montessori

There are many methods for teaching literacy to children, but one of those that can help us prepare our children for this phase is the Maria Montessori method.
Teaching children to read and write according to Montessori

Today there are many methods that are used for learning to read and write. María Montessori developed her own and many educators and followers of her methodology have applied it. Here you can learn about the method that will teach children to read and write according to Montessori.

This method has been renewed and updated, since it has many advantages for both children and adults, who are the guides of this learning. Do you want to know more about this?

Reading and writing according to Montessori: characteristics of the method

Next, we talk about the main characteristics of the Montessori method to learn to read and write in an enjoyable and fun way for the little ones.

Respect for their autonomy

Children are free to choose which task they choose to do ; It is important that we do not force the child to do anything. His desire to learn and interact with certain activities must come from him, otherwise, we are not doing anything.

Of course, if we want them to learn literacy, we will propose activities related to this, and for the child to choose which one they want to practice with.

Respect their rhythm to learn to read and write according to Montessori

One of the characteristics of the Montessori methodology is to respect the rhythm of each child. But each one is different from the other, and that one child is more precocious than another does not at all mean that in the future their performance will be better or that they will be better prepared.

There are very precocious children and others who are slower  but who end up reaching the same levels; you just have to give them more time.

Girls learning to read and write according to Montessori.

We will take advantage of the sensitive periods of the child

Young children are especially sensitive to certain learning in certain periods of time, and are capable of learning up to several languages ​​at the same time. Innately, they are interested, perceive and enjoy what they are learning; we must take advantage of this interest.

Children are excellent teachers

The Montessori methodology greatly encourages empathy and socialization with other children. The little ones have to play, share, help and respect each other. Children have been proven to be extraordinary teachers, learning from each other.

Suitable environment for learning

We must take care of the environment so that learning is made easier for children. We can organize your room with different corners: the reading corner, the educational games corner, the game corner, etc. And, thus, they can choose the activities that they are interested in doing at the time they want.

Activities to do at home and teach reading and writing according to Montessori

The game of sounds

We must do this game from the age of two and a half, which is when the little ones begin to be interested in the shape and sound of letters. This activity will motivate them to learn sounds on their own and know how to differentiate them from their shapes.

At the beginning, children must be taught the sound of the letter and not the name of the letter, thus, we will help the little one to be aware of the sounds that make up the words.

We must pronounce the sounds of the letters correctly so that the child learns them. For example, if we want to teach him the letter “s” with the word “sofa”, you do not have to spell the word saying “that”, “o”, “efe”, “a” . You have to pronounce the sound of each letter so that he becomes aware of the sounds that make up the word: “sssss”, “oooo”, “ffffff”, “aaaaa” .

Child carrying out one of the activities of the Montessori method to learn to read and write.

Sandpaper letters

This technique can be started with children of three and a half years. What it is about is to make some cards from cardboard and on top of it, glue the cut-out letters with sandpaper.

In this way, the child identifies the spelling and, in addition, recognizes the letters by touch, thus helping him to learn how to write them. It is an activity that facilitates learning the alphabet in children in a fun way.

Letter clamps

For this activity you only need some wooden clothespins and a marker. We have to write a letter of the alphabet on each side of the clamp. In this way, they can use them to form words by putting the tweezers on a card, cardboard or sheet of paper. You can also make cards with letters and, thus, join each clip with the card with its corresponding letter.

The letter box

For this game we need a small plastic drawer or we can make it out of cardboard, and in each drawer we will put a letter of the alphabet. This activity consists in that the child has to keep in each drawer something that begins with the letter that is placed.

About the Montessori methodology to learn to read and write

You already know something more about the method of teaching reading and writing according to Montessori. It is a fun and at-home way to acquire literacy. Thus, we will prepare the little ones preparing for when it is time to start reading and writing. You know, put it into practice!

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