Benefits Of Banana For Children

The banana stands out for its carbohydrate concentration, but also for its fiber and potassium content, which is why it is recommended in almost any diet.
Banana benefits for children

Banana is a nutrient-dense food. It is recommended in almost any diet, although it is important to consume it at its right point of maturity. Next, we are going to comment on the main benefits of banana for children.

Before starting, it should be noted that it is possible to find different varieties of bananas according to their origin. They differ, above all, in their appearance and organoleptic characteristics. The concentration of sugars can also vary, although in essence they are very similar foods.

What nutrients does the banana have?

Child eating banana because it has many benefits.

From a nutritional point of view, the banana stands out for its carbohydrate content. Whether these are simple or complex will depend on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. The higher this point, the lower the starch concentration, which means that the contribution of simple sugars will increase.

However, this does not always mean something negative. For example, in many contexts, such as sports, it can be beneficial to eat a good amount of these types of carbohydrates to avoid losses in performance.

In addition, the banana also has essential micronutrients for health. Among them, special mention must be made of a mineral, potassium, which is capable of influencing blood pressure levels, as stated in a study published in the International Journal of Cardiology .

Finally, we must not forget that the banana also has a significant amount of fiber, in the same way as most vegetables.

Banana benefits in children

We are going to comment, below, which are the main benefits of banana consumption in children.

Better bowel function

The banana has a large amount of soluble fiber inside. This compound is capable of fermenting at the intestinal level, serving as an energy substrate for the bacteria in the tube. This is evidenced by an investigation published in Gut Microbes . For this reason, a regular consumption of food can generate a more efficient digestion.

At the same time, it is possible that constipation may be reduced by consuming banana. This is because the fiber itself is capable of increasing the volume of the fecal bolus, thus generating efficient transit.

Provides quality energy, one of the benefits of banana

As we have already mentioned, the banana is a source of carbohydrates. This is especially important for children, as they tend to be considerably more active than adults. Being in constant movement, they will need a greater flow of sugars to avoid a tired situation. Banana is a good way to provide them.

In any case, it is important to always offer this fruit at its right point of maturity. This way we make sure that the ratio between simple sugars and starches is correct.

Helps to ensure a good level of blood pressure

As mentioned, the banana is a source of potassium, a mineral that is key in helping to modulate blood pressure. Although children do not usually have hypertension problems, it is important to include good dietary habits from when they are young to avoid developing the problem in the future.

Likewise, a regular supply of potassium can help to ensure an adequate electrolyte balance, especially in the hottest periods. The child, through sweat, can lose a series of compounds. If not adequately replenished, negative acute effects may be experienced.

Children eating one banana each.

Banana, a beneficial food for children

Establishing good nutritional and dietary habits in children is important to prevent the development of chronic diseases in the future. The inclusion of fruits in the diet is key at almost any stage of life. Luckily, the banana is one of the most widely accepted.

Now, it should be noted that we are also talking about one of the vegetables with the highest energy density. This is not usually a problem in children, but it must be taken into account in the case of older individuals or the elderly.

Anyway, don’t forget either that to ensure good health you have to combine diet and exercise. Children are usually active by nature, but it is important to always insist on the need to practice sports on a regular basis.

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