How To Cure Ingrown Toenails?

The appearance of ingrown nails is very painful and can have negative consequences. In the following article we will tell you what you can do to treat its appearance. Take note!
How to cure ingrown toenails?

Ingrown toenails develop for many reasons, be it the wrong nail cut, an inherited condition, or wearing the wrong footwear. In fact, it is a very common case that most often appears in the toes, although it can also occur with those of the hands. Therefore, in the following article we will tell you how to cure ingrown nails.

Why are nails ingrown?

The origin of ingrown nails is an imbalance between the size of the nail and the enlargement of the edge of the skin of the same. This condition should be treated as soon as it is recognized but, in any case, you should not worry excessively since sometimes you can even treat them at home.

This is possible if the ingrown toenail does not show any signs of infection such as swelling, warmth to the touch, oozing, or a bad odor. Infection occurs when the nail penetrates the skin, providing a convenient entry point for germs.


In these situations you can consider trying to grow the nail out.  On the other, you can soak your feet in warm salt water, then dry them well with a clean towel and apply an antiseptic solution to the area.

However,  if you are not sure if you can deal with treating ingrown toenails at home, a podiatrist will perform the procedure with a local anesthetic. He will be in charge of trimming or removing the infected nail with a minor surgical procedure.

How to cure ingrown toenails?

Soak, never dig into the skin

Once you detect that you have some of your ingrown nails, it is time to act. One thing you should never do is dig into your skin to try to remove the ingrown toenail, as it can further damage your skin and increase the risk of injury. Instead, soak the area with warm soapy water to soften the skin.

Soak the affected area to make the nails soften and you can better eliminate the infection.  This is the greatest danger of an ingrown toenail, which is why saline baths are also recommended to decrease pain and inflammation. You can soak the area 3 to 4 times a day if you consider it appropriate.

Finally, it is time to put a bandage on the finger that will act as a barrier against bacteria. Keep in mind that you should cut the nail as straight as possible when it sticks out again. A bad nail cut is the most common cause of ingrown toenails, as we will see below.

Take some time to sit on the edge of the tub and wash the affected area, in addition to using an antibacterial soap. In the event that the ingrown toenail is infected, it is important to perform an intervention to remove the edge of the nail that fits the skin, in which the finger is previously numb from anesthesia. The patient can follow an antibiotic treatment.

How can you prevent ingrown toenails?

Cut your nails properly

Properly trimming your fingernails goes a long way in preventing ingrown toenails. With a safety nail clipper, cut them in a straight line, so that the corner of the nail is visible. If you cut the nail too short you are inviting the corner of the nail to grow into the skin.


Wear comfortable shoes

It is recommended not to use too tight shoes and socks, it is one of the main causes of ingrown toenails. In this sense, to help prevent an ingrown toenail from developing or getting worse, it is advisable to use those that leave a wide space at the base of the finger. Choosing the right shoes should be one that allows you to easily move your toes inside.

Lastly, we recommend that you never ignore an infected ingrown toenail, as the infection can spread and lead to further complications.

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