The First Goal After Being A Mother

The first goal after being a mom

My first goal after being a mother was and is my son, his health, his happiness, his well-being… there is nothing else in the world that moves me and drives me to fight more than my little one. Even when the setbacks of destiny, not infrequently, prevent me from moving forward and threaten my strength, physical and emotional, there is no prop that I cannot hold on to, or weapon that I cannot wield, when it comes to recovering, fighting and continuing towards go ahead.

The mission of my life is focused on carving a path for my son to travel safely, putting the best I can give him at his disposal and educating him as a man of integrity.

My strategy is to give him my love, protect him and help him whenever he needs me.

After I became a mom, I can’t have other priorities; and more than my mind of options, stock market, Wall Street, business, investment, economy and money, I can be overcome by hormones, genes, the chemistry that makes me cling with an indestructible bond to someone I barely know, but for whom I would submit to any sacrifice.

My two most important goals

The first objective after being a mother I have already mentioned: my son and everything that has to do with his emotional and physical well-being.

The second: me, but not me as an independent and self-centered person per se, but me as a mother and all the need to transform those defects that characterize me. My goal is to prevent my son from copying them, or suffering them firsthand during our coexistence.

My number two rule is to cultivate myself intellectually and acquire the necessary knowledge for when the time comes to help you answer your most unique questions.

In this norm I also place my personal and emotional improvement.

To be the woman who knows how to behave with modesty and disinterest, without the apathy and competitiveness that this life of success and business has brought me.

I need to learn not to look at others over my shoulder, nor to consider as equals only those who surpass me.

I must make my manners more human: listen carefully to my interlocutors, not wanting to impose my criteria, show disagreements with respect, and even less have my sights always aiming at the discrediting of those around me to stand out above the group.

I want to learn not to lie, envy, and forgive. It is necessary for me to get rid of bad thoughts and this negative mentality that always drives me to think badly of others, sleep with one eye open, and wait for betrayal even from whoever sits at my table.

Therefore, I have to prepare now. I will need many years to make myself a better person, the mother that my son deserves.

My third goal after being a mom

After being a mother, everything became more complicated for me. If before delivery I thought I was ready to endure the pains of childbirth and push hard enough to bring my son into the world, after he was born, I knew that the few hours of contractions and pain were the least.

The hard road, the effort, the perseverance, are the guidelines that truly mark the mother’s career and they only appear after a child is born.

Now, after I became a mother, as well as sacrifice, I knew what love at first sight was and total surrender to someone who hardly knows who you are.

That is why my third and final rule is to make sure that little one who I breastfeed, caress, groom, pamper and take care of, knows that I am a mother and that, in me, as in no one else on the planet, will find an outstretched hand, a shoulder willing, a compliment to praise you, forgiveness, encouragement to move forward, and everything you need regardless of the scenario or time in which it occurs.

No one in the world will make me change my mind or change the route that I have drawn because my three main purposes are destined for determination, heart and courage.

My first, second and third rule is to defend tooth and nail, against all odds, the relationship we started, my son and I, that warm afternoon.

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