Advantages Of Prenatal Yoga In Pregnancy

Advantages of prenatal yoga in pregnancy

If you are pregnant and want to do good physical activities for you and your baby, do not miss prenatal yoga. Get the maximum level of connection with your body and stay active during pregnancy. If you want to know everything that prenatal yoga can do for you and your baby, below.

Yoga is a practice that manages to combine postural and respiratory control, increasing flexibility, concentration and emotional management of those who practice it.

When we talk about pregnancy, there is also a place for yoga. The so-called prenatal yoga tries to apply the principles of traditional yoga to those pregnant women who require a space of tranquility and a connection at the body and emotional level.

In pregnancy there are very big changes in your body. In addition, to the physical changes we must add the emotional sway that occurs due to the explosion of hormones. Yoga can give you the solution you are looking for to make the best of all these changes .

When can a pregnant woman do yoga?

Yoga is a highly recommended practice at any time in life . Currently this discipline is taught in children, mothers with babies, adults and the elderly.

You can do prenatal yoga from the first day, although it is recommended to  start from the third month of pregnancy . This recommendation arises to ensure the implantation of the embryo. In addition, it is known that the physical state of the mother improves from the second trimester.

From there, you can go to prenatal yoga sessions until the end of pregnancy , as long as you don’t have any kind of complications and you consider yourself capable of doing it.

It is advisable to exercise during pregnancy

Advantages of prenatal yoga

  • It favors a space to share with other future moms . When the session is held in groups of pregnant women, you can share your doubts and experiences about pregnancy with them. This way you will feel more understood and accompanied.
  • It is physical and mental exercise . During pregnancy you will have to fight against moments of high levels of anxiety and, above all, a lot, a lot of fatigue. Yoga will help you find a moment of calm while doing the exercises and activating your whole body.
  • Help in the respiratory control . During yoga poses, also called asanas, you will exercise control over your own breathing, which will help you lower your anxiety level.
  • Promotes the release muscular . Weight gain can condition your movements, making you feel that it is increasingly difficult for you to move. Yoga involves muscle release and relaxation, activating those areas that are kept in excessive tension.
  • It helps to integrate the extra weight with positions balanced . As you practice yoga, you adjust the postures to the weight of your baby, which will grow more every day.
  • Promotes the management emotional . With yoga you will focus on the here and now, managing to relativize, manage, and understand your moods, feelings and emotions. It is an escape valve.
  • Get a deep connection with your baby . You will focus all your attention on your own body, on your breathing and on what you feel. You and your baby will enter into an intense connection throughout your body.
  • Increases the flexibility . You will notice this last advantage especially at the time of delivery, since joints, tendons and muscles will work in your favor as they have been previously exercised.
A healthy and happy pregnancy involves exercising and activities such as prenatal yoga.

Final tips on prenatal yoga

It is true that there are many ways to do yoga sessions, you can do it alone at home by following an online tutorial or reading a manual. However, we  recommend you go with a specialized prenatal yoga monitor . So you can be sure that you are in expert hands.

In addition, it will help you to relate to more people who will be in the same situation. Committing to classes will allow you to change your scene and force you to leave the house for a comforting physical activity. Meeting other pregnant women in the same situation will help you become better aware of your condition and the care you need.

If you do not know whether or not to go to prenatal yoga sessions, consult your doctor about the state of your pregnancy and the possibility of starting in this world. In case it does not put any obstacles, you can always go to a class as a test. There is always a first time for everything. If you have not done yoga until now, maybe it is because until now you have never been pregnant either.

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