Emotion, The Best Engine For Learning

Emotion, the best engine to learn

Although it is not a new topic, science recently discovered that emotion is a very effective learning engine. As we may have imagined, those things that excite us tend to stay etched in our minds for a longer time; This scientific statement could well penetrate educationally, but to support the work of parents it would be invaluable.

Turning learning into an emotion may be something to think about calmly ; It is not so easy to adapt what we teach without having planned it. However, it would be nice if we could remember it every time we interact with our children and try to bring them new knowledge.

According to the views of neuroscience, the functioning of the brain is largely related to factors such as motivation and emotions ; which is why it has been scientifically proven that children respond better to certain stimuli. Just as Mom’s voice can have an effect on your brain, so what excites you can help you learn more and better.


Learn with emotion

With all the difficulties that may exist, many emotions are experienced more closely at home, this favors the learning of our children in terms of basic skills. However, the educational system still needs to commit to a more emotional teaching, capable of awakening emotions in children to make them love what they learn.

In general, many subjects have lost interest because the resources to teach them are tedious and most lack emotion. It is important that children feel that something in them is transformed with each knowledge, something essential when it comes to learning and exercising what they have learned.

It is for this reason that play is recognized as a vital learning tool ; When children are able to get excited about an idea, more receptors are activated in their brain. According to Francisco Mora, a specialist in neuroscience, only what you love can be learned ; This is something that has been scientifically determined thanks to the knowledge we have about the functioning of the brain.

Research has corroborated something that we already knew and that we can see in all children from their first months of life; something that is new to them makes them pay attention, but when it pleases them they become more focused . Being able to understand that the brain works better when something excites it is a useful tool to promote learning and the educational process.

Valuing everyone’s imagination and bringing emotion from home to school is a necessary determination to improve learning; This is something that is not only concentrated in the formal educational system, it is also useful for parents and caregivers. Let us remember that we can obtain better results if children begin their learning with love and passion for what they do.


Discover the thrill of learning

Discoveries always cause a sensation, especially in the little ones; That is why it is convenient to stimulate their emotions, that we can teach them through discovery. That each one can discover things about mathematics, science or history, allows them to develop an interest that will soon become a great emotion.

Sometimes teaching focuses on imparting already discovered and proven knowledge; however, there are many ways to get youngsters more excited about learning. If we let them search for something that we know they will find, they will feel more clearly that they have accomplished something incredible.

Scientists from the Complutense University of Madrid affirm that the discovery game is useful for both babies and adolescents, since the brain works in the same way when there are emotions involved. They propose the development of “neuroeducation” a process that allows putting into practice knowledge about the functioning of the brain, in the education of children.

Achievements are also exciting, so school failure, no matter how simple it may seem, can affect performance and turn it into a circle. If children are not passionate about studying, they will certainly have limitations in learning, so experts recommend teaching them to discover everything there is to learn so that they love it.

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