Foods You Should Eat To Conceive A Smarter Baby

Maintaining a lifestyle and, above all, a balanced diet is essential to enjoy health at all times of life. However, in pregnancy it acquires even more relevance, since it also influences the development of the baby. 
Foods you should eat to conceive a smarter baby

Every mother knows that to conceive a smarter baby, and healthy in every sense, she must eat well. Not only during pregnancy, but always. In other words, a healthy diet should be one of the basic pillars of your lifestyle. 

There are many foods, from different groups, full of nutrients and highly beneficial properties for human health. And when it comes to intelligence or, rather, brain development, it has always been said that fish is very beneficial. Therefore, people try to include it in their diets.

According to a study published in The Lancet,  frequent consumption of fish and shellfish during pregnancy supports the development of the child’s brain. 

Consumption of fish and shellfish

The results of this study are controversial, since they contradict other investigations carried out in the United States in 2004, in which it was recommended to limit the consumption of these foods in pregnant women. Mainly due to the risk posed to the baby by a residue present in these animals: methylmercury.

The authors of the study published in The Lancet consider that “the damaging effects it can have on brain development do not outweigh the benefits of other nutrients present in fish and shellfish.”

“The brain of a newborn child is made up of 50% lipids that are formed from essential fatty acids. Some of them are synthesized by the body itself but others must be incorporated into the diet, such as Omega 3. Sardines, for example, are an excellent source of Omega 3, essential fat and ideal for the development of the brain, nervous system and the memory of the child ”.

Fish is an important source of omega 3.

According to the researchers, although the mechanisms by which this happens are unknown, “the levels of these fatty acids appear to be crucial in the early development of the baby’s brain ” and the scarcity of them can have serious consequences, hence the importance of their intake during pregnancy.

Foods to have a smarter baby

The yolk of the egg contains choline which is the precursor molecule for acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in many functions, such as memory and muscle control. Apart from this, the hill is very important because it is the layer that surrounds the nerves.

Eating an egg a day is not only good for the baby but it will also help you maintain a healthy weight, provide you with vitamin D and also help prevent breast cancer.

Beetroot is a food rich in nitrate, which helps to improve the blood flow of the child’s brain. Include this food in your regular diet, either in juice or salads. It will help you even with constipation.

Navy beans are a good source of slow-digesting carbohydrates, packed with protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber; therefore, they are also ideal for memory development.

The consumption of meat is highly recommended (as long as it is cooked properly). Chicken or beef liver contains a lot of iron, which is ideal for the development of the baby.

smarter baby

Eating fruits, vegetables, and seeds is a smart move

Besides that, fruits are very important. In fact, a group of Canadian researchers set out to show that consuming seasonal fruits by pregnant women significantly increases the memory of babies.

Each daily serving of fruit that the pregnant mother consumes per day, promotes an increase in the cognitive capacity of the baby, even one year after birth.

The seeds contain selenium and vitamin E, they help strengthen the brain as they provide good fat. A daily handful of seeds in your diet will be enough to give the baby the best brain development.

Finally, you need to keep in mind that there are many factors to take into account when having a smarter than average baby; For this reason, in addition to eating, it is important that you maintain a healthy lifestyle and that, if in doubt, you consult your doctor.

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