The Disadvantages Of Technology In The Classroom

The disadvantages of technology in the classroom exist and, although its advantages are greater, we must consider them and try to minimize them. For that, first you have to know them well.
The downsides of technology in the classroom

It is popularly said that everything has its positive side and its negative side. The advances we enjoy today are exactly the same. Therefore, we are going to analyze below the disadvantages of technology in the classroom.

Because, make no mistake, technology greatly facilitates the work of teachers, access to information and children’s learning. But not everything is perfect and, in the same way that it has positive determining factors, it also shows some that are not so perfect and can become a problem in the medium and long term.

Technology issues and drawbacks in the classroom

The truth is that this debate does not imply that there is a correct and an incorrect option. There are downsides to technology in the classroom, just as they promote other benefits. Here we simply show the cons, without any positioning one way or the other.

Teacher replacement

It is considered that, after a reasonable time, technology may end up being a substitute for the teacher. Perhaps in the future it will be possible, but today it still is not.

Children with tablets using technology in the classroom.

However, we can find more and more examples of technology replacing teachers, classical teachers. For example, with online courses , video tutorials, etc.

Likewise, in many other sectors, such as industry or agriculture, machines have ended up replacing human professionals in certain automated tasks.

Obviously, we cannot compare a history lesson to the gathering of a harvest. Furthermore, today’s machines do not have the ability to replace a teacher, who explains and delivers content, assesses, and sets learning goals for students.

But there is more and more the case of teachers who prepare a syllabus and that is where their work ends. In online courses , for example, it is very common. There are also those who create an online tutorial or give a lesson and the student sees it when he is interested, limiting the work of the teacher. So it is today. Soon, we’ll see where this ends.

Student distractions due to classroom technology

While technology is positive as a method of engaging students more in subjects, it can also become a distraction if it is not used well. Therefore,  it should be avoided that children constantly access social networks and prevent them from focusing their attention on the lessons and what is truly important.

The child is curious by nature, so he begins to handle technology from a very young age, since he is a digital native. This can be an advantage, but also a disadvantage if the use that children make of mobile phones, computers, etc. is not carefully considered in detail.

Facilitates copying the work of colleagues

Technology facilitates communication, in the good sense of the word, and also in the bad sense. And, if plagiarism always worried teachers, now it is easier than ever.

Students have easy access to the work of their peers as well as that of other students and professionals. Therefore, they  can copy essays, reports and tests that are published on the internet and in view of anyone.

Boy using a virtual reality glasses in the classroom.

The teacher has to equip himself with anti-plagiarism tools that allow him to check if his students’ work is original and follows the commissioned guidelines. Still, it is not an easy task.

Access disparity

Additionally, technology can cause disparities among students, as not all students have equal access to technology outside of the classroom. Therefore, it is convenient to offer any student the same possibilities within the class, limiting the need for use outside of it.


The last notable issue among the downsides of classroom technology is student privacy. It is a matter to be considered by teachers, schools and parents, since these initiatives could require that young people expose their personal data, being minors in public spaces or that they are an obstacle to being hacked , exposed and misused by part of third parties, as could happen with social networks.

The drawbacks of technology in the classroom exist and should be considered when implemented in a school setting. Although a controlled environment is promoted, its pros must be taken into account, but also its cons.

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