My Baby Suffers From Asthma, What Can I Do?

My baby has asthma, what can I do?

Asthma is considered a chronic inflammatory disease of the lungs that also affects the respiratory tract, that is to say one of the most important organs of the human body, since through the respiratory tubes the air that goes to our lungs circulates and allows us to breathe . If your baby suffers from asthma, in this post we offer you a set of recommendations to avoid attacks.

Asthma is one of the main diseases that affects children, so it deserves special care and not take it lightly in case our child is diagnosed with it. This pathology requires a lot of family education to be able to control it and avoid crisis episodes.

It is normal for us to worry when our baby suffers from asthma, since from this moment on a change of habits begins at home, and faithful compliance with the treatment indicated by the doctor as well as looking for all possible ways to avoid the well-known “asthmatic crisis” .

Asthmatic crisis, what is it about?


Understanding that asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways, when crises occur this problem is even more serious since the inflammation is greater, the airways are obstructed and there is very little space to breathe.

The patient suffering from asthma has a desperate choking sensation, it feels like a pressure in the chest, sweating, the heart rate accelerates considerably; Without a doubt, the crisis puts the child at risk of death if he is not treated immediately with medications that rapidly deflate the respiratory tract.

In many children these crises are generated by direct contact with dust, tobacco smoke, carpet, furniture or upholstery, which as parents we must avoid at home. In this way, the possibility of an asthmatic attack is minimized, which is the most difficult to control and the least desired.

These events bring with them moments of despair for both mother and the little one who feels it and does not know how to handle it. It is for this reason that control should be the goal of a patient diagnosed with asthma.

There are other factors that can cause asthma, among which we can mention being angry or feeling fear, feeling extreme sensations, unmonitored exercise or very cold air.

When we know that our child suffers from asthma, in addition to being worrisome, anguish invades us and we can feel a lot of frustration as parents when we have to limit our children from a young age to leading a moderate life. Do not worry, a well controlled patient can live calmly and even manage to space asthmatic attacks for long periods of time.

Recommendations for parents of a patient suffering from asthma

  • Go to the specialist so that you can make the precise diagnosis of the disease and decide the treatment that is best for you.
  • Minimize risk factors, which can cause exacerbations of the disease.
  • Complete the treatment fully, avoiding forgetfulness or leaving it halfway when we see that it is better.
  • Be clear about what to do in emergencies with established steps informed by the doctor in order to help the children without falling into the same despair.
  • Take emergency and control medications with you anywhere.
  • If there are stuffed animals in the child’s room or a certain degree of dust and humidity, removing them is the best option.
  • Control the approach with people who have the habit of smoking.
  • Avoid subjecting it to exercises that demand a lot of physical effort.
  • Keep away from cold air, as it directly influences airway congestion.

After carefully analyzing each basic aspect of our children’s daily lives and determining which ones they are most exposed to, corrective measures must be taken to help make the treatment effective.

The effectiveness of the treatment is more directly linked to taking care of all risk factors, nothing is done with the use of nebulizers, anti-asthmatics and decongestants if we do not take the necessary care in your environment and your family environment. Medical control , home care and lots of love will help the child to lead a normal life.

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