Discover The Fascinating World Of Story Therapy

Have you ever heard of the therapy story? Feel free to read on and discover everything it has to offer children.
Discover the fascinating world of story therapy

We have all been told stories when we were children and we have learned a lesson from all of them, either from the story itself or from the famous moral. Over the years and thanks to various investigations it has been shown that stories can be used as therapy. For these reasons you should not miss this article … discover the fascinating world of story therapy.

Probably if we think of psychological therapy for a child, it may seem very serious, but what if we transform it into a story? It becomes a much more affordable and fun form of therapy for the little one, right?

What exactly is story therapy?

The term story therapy appears for the first time in 2002, and was invented by a Murcian psychotherapist and psychologist named Lorenzo Antonio Hernández Pallarés. This specialist defines it roughly as a way to prevent future problems, educate and learn how it helps in development as a person. Of course, it also serves as supportive therapy to treat problems like autism, attention deficit disorder, etc.


For this, different types of stories are used that respond to different names depending on their function, therefore we have the following stories:

  • Emosemic : They make you feel some kind of emotion.
  • Monosemic : They send a message.
  • Polysemic : Those from which a variety of meanings can be extracted through mythology and symbolism.

In this way it will work in two ways:

  • A formula used to promote and develop relationships with the child’s environment, family, friends, teachers, etc.
  • And the other at the interior level. The one that corresponds to the psychological development promoting the emotional intelligence of the child.

How exactly does it help?

Through the symbolism of stories, through the use of different characters such as fairies, ogres, dragons, witches, etc. Each of them will symbolize a different emotion, sensation and psychological capacity. In this way, the child’s subconscious will be worked on, proposing different problems and ways of solving them, deepening emotionally positive attitudes.

Along the same lines, through how the minor expresses himself, his fears can be identified, what capacities he has less developed to help him with them, as well as enhancing those that have a good development.

Child who loves storytelling

What are the positive effects of bedtime therapy?

These are some of the benefits of this type of therapy:

  • Communication is encouraged
  • Helps the child in conflict resolution
  • Generate positive values
  • Promotes emotional education favoring cognitive development
  • Develops and favors language, creativity, imagination, etc.
  • Strengthens the child’s reading habit
  • Improves the bond between parents and children

It is very important for the intellectual development of the child to go to school, do homework, study, pass exams and have a proper study habit. To do this, instilling a love for reading is essential, as it will help them to have an abundant and correct vocabulary, at the same time that it will expand their knowledge and their desire to know. All this focused on tomorrow being a great professional.

We must not forget that to achieve all this, you have to build a good foundation, and those foundations are made up of good values, and correct emotional intelligence. All this will revert to an extraordinary benefit, since it will make the child have a high self-esteem, empathy, developed assertiveness, that their relationships are healthy and make them happy, thus avoiding bad company in the future.

Stories are always a good resource

What better way than to do it through stories. A great way to spend a happy time with them, that moment of tranquility, intimacy, love and laughter with our children. Times that are priceless and invaluable. In addition, you can use them as a tool to help them make their knowledge more extensive and their personality healthier and more complete, much better.

Psychology coupled with knowledge does not have to be a drag, it can be really fun if story therapy is used correctly. Recover the art of telling stories to your children, you will not only promote the ties that unite you, but you will expand their culture and help their psychological development.

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