10 Tips To Increase Defenses In Children

A healthy lifestyle helps keep disease at bay or lessen its impact. Therefore, teaching, maintaining and directing good habits in children is essential for them to be healthy and strong. 
10 tips to increase defenses in children

Many of the potential health problems suffered by children can be prevented if we increase their defenses. Although the body has its own immune mechanisms, this system can be helped by various means. For example, through food we can protect children from possible diseases.

The first proven effective food recommended for this purpose is undoubtedly breast milk. However, throughout childhood, the little one may see his defenses diminished due to specific alterations.

For example, when we suffer from a long illness or carry out a prolonged drug treatment, it is possible for the immune system to collapse.

Similarly, certain traits related to the time of year have been identified , which make the proliferation of viruses possible. That is, some diseases are more frequent in specific seasons, so it is convenient to improve the diet in this period.

How to help them increase their defenses?

increase defenses

Some children need to raise their defenses due to particular health circumstances. However, in any case it is interesting to know a food line that provides the body with energy and enhances its immune system.

The Association of Families of Children with Cancer of Castilla la Mancha, AFANION, has published a series of dietary advice to promote increased defenses. These recommendations are based on the care applied to children with particular needs, such as the child with cancer.

As we know, these children suffer from a disease and treatment that weakens them. Therefore, your diet must be refreshing.

According to specialists, this type of diet is applicable to anyone who needs to increase their defenses. It is not a risk when a recovery is required. It is essential to prevent the main infections by fungi, bacteria and viruses.

Tips to increase defenses

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  • Choose to feed them cooked foods over raw ones. Sometimes we prefer a salad because we consider it to be the healthiest, but it is convenient that we have a preference for porridge or cooked purees.
  • Avoid fruits that are eaten with their skin on or are difficult to wash. It is customary for this type of food to come peeled, for example bananas, oranges or tangerines
  • Let’s avoid packaged juices or processed fruits.
  • It is convenient to eliminate fresh cheese, blue cheese, cold cuts and raw eggs from the diet as much as possible.
  • The pastries, sweets and creams are not recommended in this diet.
  • Only use olive oil to cook and season foods.
  • Sterilization of food is highly recommended, therefore, it is preferable to use the pressure cooker for cooking.
  • Let us ensure that the child has his own cutlery and glasses, with the idea that he does not have to share them with another person.
  • Take care of the hygiene of hands, utensils and the place to cook. The child should also wash his hands regularly.
  • It is very important to worry about the preservation of food, to prevent it from being contaminated by defrosting or by improper exposure to heat.
  • Include foods rich in probiotics in your diet, for example yogurt and fermented milk. Pebriotic fiber is also recommended, which we can find in foods such as onion, banana or wheat.
  • Natural fats, bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, legumes, vitamins A, E and D ; they should not be lacking in the diet to increase the defenses. Likewise, the consumption of minerals such as zinc, iron and magnesium is recommended.

Other recommendations

  • Maintain a stable and appropriate temperature inside the home.
  • Ensure that the child is away from tobacco or other smoke.
  • Spend about ten minutes a day airing out the house.
  • Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep, gets adequate rest during the day, and if they need a nap, they have one.
  • Make sure the child exercises according to their age and physical condition.

The problem with having low defenses is that we can get sick easily if we don’t adapt our habits. To avoid possible diseases while we try to increase our defenses, it is convenient to take into account the above aspects.

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