Physical Punishment In Childhood Takes Its Toll In Adulthood

Many parents think that physical punishment is acceptable or even necessary. However, this causes serious consequences on the emotionality of the child.
Physical punishment in childhood takes its toll in adulthood

Since we received the news that we are going to be parents, a lot of questions begin to arise. Questions that we ask ourselves every day since we do not have an instruction manual on how to educate our children. But undoubtedly one of the most common mistakes is the use of physical punishment in childhood.

Educating our children is promoted from our own education. That is, it all begins with the habits that we have ingrained since we are children. Then our personality, way of thinking, vision of life, characters and psychological traumas depend on it.

From the moment our children have the ability to reason about whether their actions are good or bad, it is important to impart discipline. Bad behavior needs to be punished, but not in such a dramatic way that it ends up becoming a cause for further disobedience.

We should not reflect on our children the way our parents raised us

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All parents have their own vision of “teaching”, and ultimately each decides how, where and when. Scold, punish and teach them. The way? We will discover it over time, after several mistakes and successes.

Training must always be governed by communication and mutual respect. Even though we have the power to be parents and adults, children are also deserving of that same respect focused on their age and training.

The consequences of corporal punishment

My son committed an act of insolence! Every day we hear the same thing from different parents: “I don’t know what to do, what else can I do for her to learn about respect? . Do I punish him with blows?

It is certainly difficult, we usually find ourselves between a rock and a hard place and we do not find alternative ways to control the problem that our son has. So we spend our days playing “if you do me, I’ll hit you”, “if you do it again, the consequences will be worse than they are today”.

We fall into that error. But now, do we think about the consequences it is causing in children? Maybe not, or when we decide to review the teaching we teach it is late, and the children are already going through this:

  • Take violent attitudes in any situation, even with your own parents.
  • In the face of physical punishment, children create a wall in their personality, blocking any positive behavior in their mind.
  • Your autonomy can have a sharp drop.
  • Self-esteem gradually decreases, causing negative thoughts towards himself.
  • The feelings of anger, resentment, pain and desire to run out of the house increases with each physical punishment.
  • He creates his own world, making communication with his parents almost nil.
  • It causes difficulties to integrate socially.
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Physical punishment in childhood takes its toll in adulthood

Consequences that only you as a mother decide how far they can go. The truth of this topic is that the more physical punishment there are in the life of your little one, the greater the consequences will be in his adulthood.

As children they may adapt to that education, but sentimental and psychological repression create the personality they will have in their future. As parents it has happened many times that we do not forget or accept the way we were raised. Will we make the same mistakes with our children?

This transition goes from toddlers to adults. And even being of age, this vision of wrong teaching creates these consequences:

  • A resigned citizen was educated and conditioned to always be a victim
  • The family ties are easier to break 
  • His actions before society are 80% violent, he does not know how to measure his impulses. He will live from fight to fight!
  • Generates a double standard in his mind, he will practice the same with his children and other children
  • Difficulties to be a person who adapts easily to different areas
  • Respect for their parents? It does not exist, or it may exist but with a great degree of resentment. Even when we were grown up we thought that our education could be better

Without a doubt, physical punishment in childhood takes its toll in adulthood, what we are as people we owe only to education. But you have to make an effort to accept that if it was hard, the best thing is to heal and fight because today is different, learn from what happened and turn the consequences into virtues.

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