Unvaccinated Children Could Stop Being Cared For By Pediatricians

Unvaccinated children may no longer be cared for by pediatricians

The issue of vaccines is quite controversial, despite the majority approving it. For specialists, it is very important to avoid epidemics in the child population, that is why they are mandatory. However, many parents have declared themselves “anti-vaccines”, claiming that the remedy is worse than the disease.

In any case, the importance of this preventive procedure has led to the consideration of specific actions. For this reason, the American Academy of Pediatrics has decided to support pediatricians who refuse to care for unvaccinated infants. The experts invite you to comply with this announcement, because otherwise the children are exposed to many risks.

Vaccines are very important to most people because they help prevent serious or life-threatening illnesses. Good vaccination control leads to a good evaluation in pediatric consultations. In addition, being able to be sure that the child is healthy is very important for parents.

In this sense, it is convenient to be informed about the advantages of administering vaccines. In a society like ours that is constantly on the move, prevention is very important. Those parents who are afraid to vaccinate their children considering possible side effects, chose that option. However, they have no guarantees that they will prevent the spread of very serious diseases.

Another risk for the unvaccinated

Every year the number of parents who do not vaccinate their children increases. For this reason somewhat controversial measures have been taken, but officially accepted . The risk of not vaccinating children is borne by their parents, however, this decision exposes other children. Specialists believe that anti-vaccine parents could be responsible for childhood epidemics.

In addition to the risk of being infected with preventable diseases, they now face another threat. In order to educate parents about vaccinations, pediatricians have the approval not to see them in their consultations. Australia had some time ago denied these families receiving their tax benefits as a measure of pressure.

Today, the American Academy of Pediatrics supports the discontinuation of unvaccinated children after their parents receive counseling. In other words, an attempt is made to educate these reluctant parents and if they do not assume their responsibility, their children will be omitted from the program.

It should be noted that it is a danger for a pediatrician to care for a child who is not vaccinated. It is a great risk for both the pediatrician and the child who is not immunized. In addition, they put other children who attend the same consultation at risk.

Some babies have not been vaccinated for various reasons, which have nothing to do with the refusal of their parents. However, they are at risk of being infected with a disease due to lack of immunization, but it was not a deliberate decision. It is important that parents clarify all their doubts before taking the initiative not to vaccinate their children.

Why are there so many unvaccinated children?

In the United States, 75% of parents believe that vaccines are not important. In 1998, Dr. Andrew Wakefield published an article in The Lancet that discredited the use of vaccines. This article was about a suspected exposure to autistic disorder from MMR vaccines. It is evident that after this announcement there were parents concerned about the situation, so they decided not to vaccinate their children any more.

Over the years this was denied, through an investigation that revealed the falsehood of Andrew’s ad. Although this led to the culmination of the doctor’s career, it left its mark on public opinion. Attempts are still being made to convince parents to change their minds through specialized counseling. The Spanish Association of Pediatrics, affirms that it prefers to convince than to intimidate, for which it makes the Vaccine Advisory Committee available.

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