Family Life Is Essential For Good Children’s Mental Health

Family life is essential for the proper development of children and for good mental health.
Family life is essential for good children's mental health

All parents in the world want their children to be happy, healthy and adapt well to the environment in which they live. Children, when they come into the world, do not do it with an instruction manual, and nobody teaches you to be a good father or a good mother, you simply have to learn as you go, but always from the heart. Family life is part of all this.

Many parents are looking online for information, books, or other resources related to child development, child psychology, and parenting to try to help them succeed in achieving their goals.

However, parents may overlook the importance of everyday interaction with children and adolescents, as well as the influence of everyday family life as an essential role in supporting the mental health and well-being of all members of the community. family.

Have a safe home for a good family life

Having a safe and stable home, spending time with the family playing, pulling, sharing experiences, watching over the physical and emotional health of children is what children need so that their mental health is on the path of good development. Family life is essential for good mental health in children.

Parents cooking with their daughter as part of family life.

Constant and continuous participation in family leisure continues to be important for family cohesion, adaptability, functioning and satisfaction with family life. However, more emphasis should be placed on creating satisfying family leisure experiences rather than simply high levels of participation in family leisure.

5 types of experiences in family life

There are five types of experiences in family life that cannot be missed for there to be success in the nucleus of the home:

  1. Foster relationships between family members.
  2. Establish routines.
  3. Maintain realistic expectations.
  4. Adapt to changes.
  5. Connect with the community.

All five experiences can be strong predictors of family quality of life and resilience. Parents may think that keeping their children involved in extracurricular activities and helping them with their homework are the most important actions they can take to ensure that their children and adolescents become successful adults.

Union between parents and children in family life

However, they may overlook the importance of spending time personally interacting with their children. When parents and children spend time interacting and having fun together, the results are invaluable. From this experience over the years, children feel important and loved. They have the opportunity to adopt essential values ​​from their parents.

Parents have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of their children’s strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to provide sufficient support and appropriate guidance.

During these moments together, especially when it is one-on-one, children feel free to express their thoughts and feelings. All of these experiences create a stronger bond between parents and children, leading to greater self-confidence, resilience, and self-reliance.

Activities to enhance family life

Do not miss these activities that you can consider to increase the time of fun and family life and, of course, to improve and promote the bond between the members of a family.

Eat as a family

Family mealtime, which includes family input to develop the menu, help prepare food, set the table, serve, and clean. It is essential to have a regular mealtime with all family members who are expected to attend most of the time.

Family eating happily as part of their family life.

Electronic devices should not be present during meals. Take this opportunity to have family conversations related to the everyday things that family members go through each day, as well as to plan family activities where everyone participates.

Read to your children

Get into the habit of reading to your children several times a week. For older children and teens, ask what book they are reading and then read it yourself so you can have a conversation about reading and become interested in their interests in the process.

Plan activities together

It is important that, as a family, you plan activities together where everyone chooses and everyone chooses. It is necessary to reach an agreement for this. They can be a family board game night, a movie afternoon, a Sunday outing, a weekend getaway to the country, etc. Schedule activities and commit to doing them all together.

Spending time with the family strengthens the family bond, encourages open communication, and provides the opportunity to get to know each other even better. It also offers opportunities to speak and share values ​​and learn from each other. Ultimately, your family will become more connected and cohesive. Your children will feel loved and accepted. Everyone will come to understand, accept and appreciate each other.

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