Can You Lose Weight While Breastfeeding?

Losing weight while breastfeeding is possible. For this, a series of healthy habits must be promoted that achieve a positive effect on the body.
Can you lose weight while breastfeeding?

There are studies that indicate that the fact of producing milk is one of the elements in your favor to lose weight during lactation. Therefore, there is no reason for this process to prevent us from losing those extra pounds that we gain naturally during pregnancy.

Some women claim to have lost weight dramatically during their breastfeeding phase, it is possible that this is due to certain particular habits of them or their organic characteristics. However, we may consciously strike a balance toward the desired results in this regard.

However, even if we are the type of women who find it a bit more difficult to lose weight, it is entirely possible that through the correct planning of our routine we can achieve success. Here we show you that losing weight while breastfeeding is possible and how to do it.


What do mothers do to lose weight while breastfeeding?

Being able to lose weight while we are breastfeeding is possible, but its speed depends on each woman. Some mothers choose to use diet pills, but this is not the most recommended measure by specialists, because these chemicals pass to the baby through the mother.

A diet for lactation is generally the most used by mothers to achieve their goal of losing weight.

Although there are not many contraindicated foods during this process, sometimes the type of feeding can cause problems for the baby and the mother, so it is not recommended to fall into strict diets.

On the other hand, it is a fact that during this stage the mother feels more hungry and in particular with greater attraction to caloric foods, which could lead to unwanted weight gain.

In this sense, if we do not set a goal on time, the nutritional needs of breastfeeding can work against us.

Exercise is always a very useful tool to lose weight, but as we know, after childbirth it is recommended to do it in moderation until a certain time. This is evidenced by a study published in Gesundheitswesen.

But, to carry out any physical activity it is necessary to have the necessary energy, which perhaps with the simple fact of being breastfeeding we have lost.

So, the correct recipe involves balancing the consumption of foods that provide us with the energy that we are going to lose in breastfeeding and exercise. Can you lose weight just by breastfeeding? Experts believe that about 600 calories can be lost by producing milk daily, but this will need to be supplemented with exercise and proper nutrition.


How can you lose weight while breastfeeding?

As we had previously said, the caloric expenditure generated during lactation is equivalent to aerobic exercise for a couple of hours a day. That is why the prolongation of the breastfeeding period could translate into a very firm weight loss process.

According to experts, this is the main reason why some women attribute their rapid weight loss to breastfeeding, but it will all depend on each person.

On the other hand, it is not advisable to neglect the nutritional aspect, because by losing that amount of calories, weakness, fatigue, mineral and vitamin deficiencies are generated, as well as a decrease in muscle mass.

However, there is no doubt that the process itself has its advantages in achieving weight loss. In fact, some studies indicate that the effects can be prolonged, since mothers who have breastfed have a lower risk of suffering from obesity in the next thirty years.

Let’s be clear, the results of the studies indicate that a lactating woman, according to her morphology, loses at least one kilo every six months. We already know that it seems little, but it is constant and helps prevent the appearance of other health problems, starting with obesity.
To complement the support in the task of losing weight during breastfeeding, we can establish the following program.

  • Perform daily physical activity for periods of 45 to 60 minutes. Activities such as dancing, walking, jumping rope or cycling can help us consume between 300 and 500 calories
  • Increase in fluid intake, as long as you don’t overdo it on sugary products
  • Consume fruits and vegetables preferably raw, if we can eat them with their peel much better
  • Give priority to the consumption of lean meats such as turkey and chicken. On the other hand, it is recommended that the fish be fatty, where trout, sardines, salmon and tuna stand out.
  • Introduce low- fat but calcium-rich dairy to the diet
  • Prefer whole grains.

Improve habits to lose weight while breastfeeding

Losing weight while breastfeeding is possible, although you shouldn’t worry too much about this process. With a series of healthy habits you will achieve that the reduction of fat tissue materializes progressively.

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