Tips To Sleep Better During Pregnancy

Sleep is unavoidable during pregnancy. But there are certain guidelines that help improve its quality.
Tips to sleep better during pregnancy

Getting better sleep during pregnancy seems like a utopia for many women. Since they began their gestation it was impossible for them to rest a full night, lie down in the position they liked so much, maintain a deep sleep, or relax completely. That is why a good night’s sleep becomes one of the greatest longings that one lives during those nine months.

However, there are certain guidelines that, although they do not guarantee a totally pleasant sleep, such as the one enjoyed before pregnancy, help make the moment of rest more satisfactory. Put these tips into practice that we offer you and get the rest you need so much at night.

Relax before going to sleep

Sleep is a process that begins long before you fall into bed. Therefore, whenever you are about to get under the covers, make sure that the activities you do require little energy and do not exalt you too much. To fall asleep you need to relax completely and enter this process without worries, not thinking about the tasks that you stopped doing and will have to do tomorrow.

If you watch a movie, a romantic drama or fantasy drama that is slow-paced and encourages you to sleep may be recommended. You should achieve the same effect by reading a book or some musical theme that you want to listen to at that time and know that it calms you down.


Avoid large meals at night

Eating some food before going to bed, if you are used to it and you like it, can be a way to prepare yourself for a good sleep and prevent you from waking up hungry at dawn. But, in any case, it is more advisable to wait at least an hour to go to sleep after eating food.

However, large meals at night are not recommended at all. You should know that when you get too full or drink a lot of fluids, the digestion process prevents you from falling asleep. And, in addition, the compression of the baby on the bladder makes you get up several times to go to the bathroom.

Excess food can also cause indigestion or increase the annoying heartburn that occurs during pregnancy. Therefore, it is best that you avoid it.

Guarantee your comfort

Nobody sleeps well on a mattress with thorns. As the metaphor illustrates,  if you want to get a good rest you need to ensure your complete comfort.

To sleep better during pregnancy you need to have a comfortable bed, clean sheets, stretched and soft to the touch. As well as pillows that fit your belly and head when you lie on your side. If you like to sleep with the lights off and in total silence, ask your family to contribute.

Good habits to sleep better during pregnancy


So that you can sleep better, dear mom, we offer you these tips:

  • Avoid drinks that contain caffeine, as they will keep you awake.
  • Lie down preferably on your left side. This position favors the flow of blood to your belly because it prevents the uterus from putting pressure on the blood vessels. In this way, the fetus receives the oxygen it needs. Sleeping on your left side also helps your kidneys eliminate waste more easily.
  • It is wrong to think that if you nap during the day you will sleep less at night. On the contrary, being over-tired can inhibit sleep. Therefore, take a nap during noon to recharge your batteries and arrive at the night less exhausted.
  • Get physical exercise. With this we do not tell you to go to the gym daily to do Pilates, but we suggest that you keep your body active. Walk, do household chores as long as they are not dangerous given your condition, go shopping … Being idle all day and lying in front of the computer will prevent you from having a good sleep at night.
  • Finally, whenever possible, adopt a bedtime routine. Routines help your mind prepare to enter the sleep process

It is inevitable that sleep is affected to some extent during pregnancy. However, applying these simple guidelines you will see how it becomes easier and more pleasant to rest at night.

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