History For Children: Benefits Of Learning It

“History is the novel of facts, and the novel is the history of feelings” – Claude Adrien HelvĂ©tius (1715-1771).
History for children: benefits of learning it

History is related to a set of events experienced by a person or by a social community;  so the story for children is essential for their academic training.

What is history? 

History can be defined as the discipline that exposes and deeply studies the past time in relation to the events that occurred in antiquity, which constitute the development of humanity from its beginning to the present time Or according to a famous author:

From the above it follows that it is essential to teach history for children, since it is deeply linked to the feelings and actions of individuals through the years. Now, how can you make the story more appealing to children? And what benefits do they get from learning history?

How to teach history to children

Children tend to think that studying history is boring and monotonous. However, everything is a matter of approaching the story in a fun, interactive and enjoyable way in order to arouse interest among the smallest of the house. With this in mind, here are some suggestions when teaching history to children:

  1. It is recommended to use a blackboard to mark a timeline through which different events are named that describe the time and their duration.
  2. You can start by giving the child an interesting piece of information that refers to a fact that he or she already knows about an event, this with the purpose of capturing the child’s attention.
  3. Present new information about the topic you intend to address. You can work with a reading material in which the child can reflect;  material that can be used to test the child’s knowledge of an event.
The story for children.

Screening films on a historical theme

Films can be shown on a historical topic that is intended to be covered. This creates an ideal climate with respect to the social context in which the events unfolded. It should be noted that the use of films records in the child ideal images or details that help him to understand the framework in which various historical events took place.

Tell the story as if it were a story. For this, you have to know what you want to transmit, that is, what you want to contribute so that the child understands and assimilates some historical event. Use pictures or slides. In this case, the text should not be abused.

Develop the child’s research skills and use questions

Use questions. With this it is possible to know how much the child knows about a historical topic or event and what he needs to know. In addition, they develop in it their critical thinking and their skills for the analysis of information.

Use summaries

Make summaries. Parents can make the summary for the child to learn. With this, it will record the highlights of an event and remove unnecessary material. Explain the consequences of human actions described in a historical event. In this way, the child will be able to differentiate between causes and consequences when analyzing historical problems.

Sure, these suggestions can make the story for children more engaging and interesting. However, what benefits do children get from learning history?

Benefits of history for children 

One of the first questions that many ask is: why is it important to study history? , since they do not see the point of studying this subject. However, the benefits are innumerable. Here are some benefits of the story for children:

Teaching children history helps them cultivate an appreciation for their roots and for what happened before they were born. It gives them information regarding the sacrifices that previous generations made, a fact that directly influences the enjoyment of the current lifestyle.

Understanding the causes and consequences of certain events

It helps them understand the evolution of ideas. In this way, they can understand the consequences of ideologies and ways of thinking about politics; life and the world today.

The story for children has many benefits for their intellectual development.

History helps them understand that they are part of the great stream of human history, so they are part of a process that began thousands of years ago and continues to this day. It also helps them learn from past mistakes, teaching them what to do and what not to do in the future.

Children’s story is deeply related to geography

It is inevitable to study the past events of a society together with the place where they unfolded. Therefore, teaching history to children relates them directly to the geography of various nations, including that of their native country.

It helps them understand why different nations had more prosperous economies than others;  in view of the geographic environment where they settled.

And these are just some of the benefits that children can gain from learning history. Certainly, human behavior can be unpredictable at various times. However, a better understanding through the study of history can provide very valuable information for future generations.

For these and other reasons; It can be concluded that historical knowledge is essential to prepare young people and children to live in today’s society, since it provides a general knowledge about the development of human beings and the world around them.

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