Technology Addiction And Children

New technologies are a valuable tool, but also a potential danger if misused. We help you detect a possible addiction to technology in your children.
Technology addiction and children

Technology addiction can become a serious problem in children. In fact, it becomes a disease even in adults, despite the fact that we have already developed total cognitive capacity to know that this situation of excess is not normal.

The child has not yet fully developed. And precisely because of their lack of cognitive ability, addiction to technology in children is especially worrisome. Serious problems are even known in boys as young as eight years old.

Technology brings a world of visual and auditory stimuli that is very attractive to everyone, especially our little ones. In addition, it can make life much easier for us as long as it is used in a measured and sensible way.

Thus, it is clear that we can turn technology into a great ally when it comes to making our little ones happy. It allows you to give them entertainment, education and good development as long as it is used in a logical and safe way.


How to know that my child has a technology addiction

Finding out that our son is addicted to technology is relatively straightforward. We only have to observe how it behaves when it is in possession of a mobile or computer and how it does when it is not in hand.

Another important indicator is the fact that you are not using technology for pleasure but out of necessity. That he uses it compulsively, with anxiety and without any type of control over himself. If you use your computer, mobile or tablet to reduce your state of nerves, it is clear that the little one has a problem.

However, those children who develop their lives in uncommunicative environments it is possible that they do not suffer from addiction to technology despite some abuse. Well, it will be your means of expressing feelings and desires, a fact that will improve your self-esteem.

However, other small ones, even having limits for technological use, skip them and disobey them. They even put aside other responsibilities and forms of entertainment to use their electronic devices. In these cases we have to be alert.

Child with technology addiction

Signs that help us identify addiction

To identify a child who is addicted to technology we must be able to locate a series of specific symptoms. In addition, we will have to put ourselves in the hands of a specialist professional in case the problem exceeds our abilities and knowledge:

  • See if your child always puts the use of technology in the foreground, leaving aside other obligations or forms of entertainment.
  • See if he does not respect schedules and routines such as time to eat, sleep or go to school.
  • You have to confirm that communication with your child is less every day and even marks a physical barrier.
  • Check his reaction when you discuss technology with him. If he’s frustrated and angry, it can be troublesome.
  • If he uses lies and justifies his behavior by omitting the truth, the young person may suffer an addiction.

What to do if my child is addicted to technology

It is not easy to solve the problem of a child addicted to technology. T he prohibition is not the way, as it will only generate distance, disconnection, incompression, anger and pain. The ultimate goal is for the boy to recognize his problem, it is the only way to help him.

A good option is to try to gradually introduce activities between parents and children or with friends that move away from technology but that may be attractive to them. In this way, little by little we will be able to divert the attention of the little one.

We also have to define schedules and rules that the young person must comply with. The use of technology should not be demonized, but neither should abuse be allowed. You just have to do it in a sensible way so that it is another part of the child’s social, personal and daily life.

We also have to involve all the actors that are part of their development and education. Talk with teachers, friends and family so that together they increase the child’s cognitive skills and learn to see his problem for himself. Ultimately, if the problem is too advanced and none of the above works, we have to put ourselves in the hands of a professional child psychologist who can treat your little one’s technology addiction.

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