My Son Has Nightmares. What Should I Do To Make Him Sleep Better?

Many parents find themselves in the situation where their child has nightmares and they don’t know what to do. However, the reality is that these dreams that cause so much anguish to children are normal and disappear over the years.
My son has nightmares.  What should I do to make him sleep better?

Bedtime is a time that every adult looks forward to. However, for children this is not always the case. Sometimes it’s just a matter of not wanting to go to bed so you can keep playing. However, many times they do not want to go to bed because they do not have to live the terrifying dreams that come their way. Now if my child has nightmares, how can I help him rest?

Next, you will see what are the most common causes of nightmares. In addition, we propose some recommendations to reassure your child after this unpleasant experience.

What are the causes of my child having nightmares?

Nightmares are very normal, in fact, every child has them occasionally. These begin to appear from 2 years of age and are present throughout childhood. However, when they reach the adult period, they have already disappeared completely, with the exception of some cases, mostly women.

Child wrapped up in bed cannot sleep because he has nightmares.

Although there is no scientifically proven reason why nightmares exist, there are several causes why they can arise. These are frequently caused by events that occurred during the day, for example:

  • If your child has stayed up late watching television or watching a movie that causes fear.
  • Bedtime stories about monsters and scares are also very influential .
  • Other causes can be situations lived in the day that cause stress. For example, arguments, the death of a relative, change of school, among other things.
  • Also, if your child is not used to sleeping alone, he may have nightmares more often, as he has many fears.

    It is important that you do not think that your child has nightmares because he has experienced a trauma, because these dreams are completely normal in childhood and, unless he has them every night, it is not a reason to go to the doctor.

    How to avoid these terrible dreams?

    It is impossible to avoid them completely, even so, you can make your children’s sleep more pleasant as well as that the nightmares are not as frequent. So that children are guaranteed a good sleep, practice the following:

    • Establish a program with time to sleep and wake up, which must be adhered to without fail.
    • The child’s room has to be as cozy as possible, without objects that can scare them.
    • Eat an early dinner and keep your food light. Also, do not allow games and activities that activate it at night; rather, it helps them relax. This can be achieved with a bath before bed, with a pleasant reading and tender affection.
    • Serve him a nice hot drink  to help him decrease his energy and sleep relaxed.

      Avoid things that can upset him, such as watching television at night or reading scary stories. Also, make sure that the atmosphere at home is as relaxed as possible.

      What should I do when my child has nightmares?

      As nightmares cannot be prevented, what you have left is to be prepared, so that when your little one wakes up desperate for a bad dream, you can help him.

      Boy in his bed screaming in the middle of the night because he has nightmares.

      The first thing you should do is make him feel protected. This with your presence will be easier, because it makes him feel safe. Express comforting words such as: ” Everything is fine, nothing is going to happen, I am here.” Tell him that what he just saw in the dream is not real and that it is just a nightmare. Show him your love and comfort him so that he feels that you fully understand him.

      Another thing that will help you decrease your anxiety is to go along with your imagination. If he tells you he’s scared of monsters, then spray a spray and tell him he’s anti-monster. This way, you will feel calmer. Also, don’t turn off all the lights and, if possible, put a flashlight near her bed.

      If he’s having a hard time getting back to sleep, put on some soothing music. In the morning you can tell your child to tell you about the dream he had and listen carefully to it.

      In conclusion, if your child has nightmares, it is normal, do not worry. What you can do is organize a good bedtime and avoid tense environments. Also, since these bad dreams cannot be prevented, be prepared to give your child lots of comfort and love.

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