The Most Common Mistakes Parents Make When They Divorce

The most common mistakes parents make when they get divorced

Currently there are a large number of couples who, due to some circumstance of fate, decide to separate. We know how hard a romantic breakup can be, but the most important thing is when there are children left. Avoid the most common mistakes parents make when they get divorced.
Surely you have already passed it, or are going through it. Do not worry! In this type of case, it is best to think about the well-being of the children and not make harmful mistakes that with the passage of time the only one affected would be the boy or girl.

At first, assume that your relationship did not work out and have the necessary maturity to accept that you will have to have excellent communication with the mother or father of your children. From that point, show the child that he can be happy with his parents without being together. The most important thing is the emotional stability of the child!

 Be different. Don’t make common mistakes

A “round of applause” for those parents who divorce their mother but not their children.  Yes, in this case there are many parents who, at the time of separation, break any type of bond with their children and their mother. Remember: they are your children and right now they need much more from you.

The same happens with women, they believe that it is healthy not to allow the father of their children to have contact with them; In other words, separation becomes separation of mother and children. No, children are not to blame for adult mistakes. These may be the most common mistakes parents make when they get divorced.

Give him more confidence and avoid having a traumatic growth due to the separation of his parents

Now, are you going through a similar situation and don’t know what to do? Take into account the most common mistakes parents make when they get divorced that you can’t make during and after the separation.

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As parents, we must avoid by all means giving children the responsibility of being intermediaries between their parents, that is, avoid placing them as messengers, it is the sole responsibility of adults to deal with the issue of their children in common.

Nobody is prepared to go through a divorce, but when that day comes or is coming, do not look for your children like a wipe of tears, they feel and perceive everything and you will be doing them a lot of harm. Live your duel but do not pass it on! Thus, they will not think that dad is to blame or that mom is bad.

  • One of the most common mistakes parents make when divorcing is trying to win over their children.  No, it is wrong that you want to damage the image of your mother or father in order to have them on your side. Do you know what happens if you act like this? You cause emotional and personality damage in your children.
  • Having a bad coexistence with your ex-partner is terrible, the common thing is that the children from the beginning live with the mother, who must be governed by visiting rules is the father. In very few cases it is different. But you should not prevent children from sharing and seeing their dad.
  • Do not leave everything to the imagination of your children, that they are in their heads asking thousands of questions without an answer is harmful,
  • Sit down and talk! Explain that mom and dad will be better off this way, but that they will never stop loving and being with them.
  • Many parents do not care when their children arrive from their ex-partner’s house, they believe that asking them as spies is good or simply not asking anything, so they do not believe that their mother or father still matters to you. What they live in their other house should always be important to you and make them feel that you care what they live.
  • Avoid by all means the discussion in front of them, it is not necessary for them to notice that mom and dad can’t stand each other and they always fight over something that includes them, that is, for their food, studies, sports, education among other things. Good communication above all!
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Have you made all the most common mistakes?

  • Rectify at this precise moment. Do not be the cause of many insecurities, rebellion, sadness and confusion of your children and  repair your mistakes and the damage you have done.
  • Acknowledging that you are doing wrong is the first step.
  • Apologize, tell them “I was wrong  and I will change my attitude for you and for you.”
  • Since then, your house does not speak badly of your ex partner, and allow your child to express when he feels you do.
  • Show your children that having separated parents is not the worst thing that can happen to them. That many children go through the same thing but their parents will never stop being it even if they are not together.

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