5 Tips To Preserve Children’s Privacy

Intimacy in children is a fundamental issue in their growth and development. That is why parents have to ensure that children are not subjected to various risks common in today’s society.
5 tips to preserve the privacy of children

Protecting children is a necessary but also increasingly complicated task. Thanks to new technologies, the little ones in the house are more vulnerable to falling into dangerous situations. Therefore, it  is necessary to establish certain strategies and put into practice advice that allows preserving the privacy of children.

The importance of maintaining the privacy of children

Children, with their innocence and trust, have always represented one of the most vulnerable groups to fall into situations that may represent a danger to their integrity.

New technologies are added to this child vulnerability, which have opened a wonderful window of rapprochement, but also facilitate the anonymity of people who do not hesitate to do harm.

Parents are tasked with not only protecting their children, but also teaching them to protect themselves. Preserving the privacy of children is one of the most important and transcendental behaviors that every parent should teach.

Tips to protect the privacy of children

Teach them to use the internet correctly

The Internet has become one of the most dangerous tools for children. The reason is because little ones tend to trust what they read and see; Therefore, it is essential that parents continually talk with their children about the dangers that exist on the web.

In addition to talking to minors,  parents have a duty to educate them to use these modern digital tools correctly. How to do it?

It is necessary to advise the little ones to preserve their privacy.

It is necessary to teach the small privacy settings of social networks and use applications on different devices that allow blocking certain web pages. In addition, permanent surveillance must be exercised over the child’s navigation, among other actions.

Never reveal sensitive information

One of the most important tips for preserving the privacy of children is to teach them never to reveal personal information. Children must understand that under no circumstances should they reveal information about their home such as: address, school, places where parents work, surnames, landline and mobile phone numbers.

With social networks, special care must be taken, since on many occasions information can be revealed without realizing it. For example, uploading a photo with the school uniform clearly indicates where the child is studying or adding a photo of the street where they live, in case it has any distinctive feature.

These types of personal photographs should be avoided, as well as placing any type of personal information on social networks, which are a showcase for everyone.

Tips to protect children

Do not kiss children on the mouth

Kissing children on the mouth is a practice that many parents use. Although there is no bad intention, it is best not to do it.

From a very young age, children should be taught that no one should kiss them on the mouth, even if they are family or friends. Similarly, they should not sit on other people’s laps.

Not be touched by anyone

From a very young age, children should be taught to wash their private parts. In the same way, it is important that they know who can touch them and who cannot; in this sense, they must be given absolute confidence to tell when they feel that someone has been exceeded.

Parents should evaluate very well the behavior or changes in their children, especially if they find them uncomfortable in the presence of certain people or circumstances.

Discretion on the web is essential to preserve the privacy of children.

Watching games with other children

Unfortunately, there have also been cases of abuse by other children. For this reason, it is important for parents to be alert and vigilant when their children play with other children.

You cannot control what other children observe at home, but you can have vigilance over your own children. Games like “the house” or “mom and dad” are used on many occasions with undesirable intentions at an early age.

It is advisable for parents to put these five tips into practice to preserve the privacy of their children. Without a doubt, constant communication with children and active parental surveillance are the keys to protecting the smallest of the house.

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