Cloth Diapers Vs Disposable Diapers

As it is a delicate area, it is important to know how to choose the material for diapers, since the incidence of infections is very high. Find out how to choose right here!
Cloth diapers vs disposable diapers

Cloth diapers versus disposable diapers is one of the debates among many grandmothers and mothers. One represents the confidence of yesteryear and the other the practicality we need in today’s busy world. So that you can make your best choice, here we will expose the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

It is normal for grandmothers to prefer cloth diapers, since until the middle of the last century it was the main option used to cover, protect and avoid the worst disasters of babies. In contrast, parents today prefer and require more functional and practical options such as disposable diapers.

Cloth diapers: comfort and learning

The cloth diaper is old, but it is not without its benefits. Among its many benefits we can highlight the  comfort it offers due to the softness of its texture. Unlike the synthetic mixes of the commercial disposable diaper that sometimes causes irritation or spontaneous diaper rash in some babies.

The disposable diaper design is prone to irritation and discomfort due to the pressure exerted by the synthetic material on the baby’s crotch and waist.

Another positive aspect of cloth diapers is that children learn to use the toilet and control their bowels more quickly. This happens because the feeling of the wet cloth is more uncomfortable for the little one, which is a weakness that becomes an advantage.

Zone free of toxic substances

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Disposable diapers are made up of chemicals that offer greater absorption. The side effects that some of these chemical components (polyacrylate) can cause on the baby’s skin are not yet known for sure.

The reality is that some little ones develop allergic reactions to the materials used in disposables. In contrast to the naturalness of the cloth diaper, it gives you another quite considerable advantage. The few chemicals that the fabric might contain are removed when it is washed.

Environment and economic savings

A famous Spanish minister once said that the average amount of diapers a baby uses is equivalent to a full football stadium and the worst thing is that the raw material used is not even biodegradable.

In fact, these products take 2 to 5 centuries to decompose. The amount of trees that are felled and the plastic used are truly outrageous figures.

Only with disposable diapers do we have a very serious global pollution problem. Instead, the cloth diaper is reusable. You cannot imagine the money that will be saved if you decide on this alternative. Safe for your pocket and for the environment.

The disposable: practical and zero spills

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We must not ignore the benefits of the disposable diaper. This one is ergonomic, practical, and made with the firm intention of making life easier for modern mothers.

The margin of error of the modern diaper is almost zero. Average brands guarantee a high percentage of “no spillage” and long life due to their high levels of absorption.

The opposite is the case with the cloth diaper. This type allows openings through which debris escape, generating disasters in the bed, furniture, the floor and any place through which our baby passes.

Time saving

With the disposable diaper you don’t save money, but you do save time. Cloth diaper can be workable for moms when they are around the house.

Cloth diapers require constant washing and involve a considerable investment of time (which few mothers currently have). 

New technologies allow your little one to feel good after relieving themselves. In a way, we can say that the disposable is quite hygienic and allows to react in time to make the change anywhere quickly.

Many modern mothers opt for the cloth diaper during the healing period of severe diaper rash. In any case, it is highly recommended to have at least half a dozen cloth diapers to use in an emergency, either because the practical disposables are exhausted or to use them as bibs or light blankets to cover our babies.

Today cloth diapers are available in a variety of designs and beautiful colors.

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