7 Phrases That Strengthen The Spirit Of Your Child

Well-meaning words from parents can bring about positive and favorable changes in children’s lives. Learn some of these phrases to put them into practice!
7 phrases that strengthen your child's spirit

Throughout our lives, we have all sought answers to profound questions. Many have found them in philosophy, meditation, yoga, or religion; And regardless of the paths you decided to take, today you know that you have been adopting certain ways of assuming life, which have helped you feel more comfortable with yourself.

And although your pilgrimage has certainly been long, that of your son does not have to be the same. You are here to help him, to tell him, as often as necessary, that anything is possible if you believe in him; which is one of the 7 phrases that strengthen the spirit of your child.

In some way or another, we have all wondered why we are here, from what life was created, what I came to do in the world … And many times we stumbled several times before finding answers.

By now, you know that there are many theories about the creation of the world, and some of them convince you more than others; but leaving aside the theories a bit, the truth is that very few people know how to answer a child questions like: what is my talent? or what is the spirit?

Sometimes as parents we do not know very well what to answer a young child when he asks these types of questions, whose answers are too complex, or abstract. You may also have been flabbergasted when he asked you where do we go after we die?


Perhaps the stuttering led you to remember that, probably, you began to question the meaning of your life, in adolescence and, it is likely that you have found it well into your adulthood, perhaps it is in the role of mother when it makes the most sense to you. you have found life.

Perhaps you have thought how different your life would have been if you had not lost that connection you felt with yourself as a child, if then you had fed your spirit or if your parents had guided you better on this subject, but how could they do it if They didn’t know what to do? … It’s not their fault or yours.

And although that story is part of the past, there is always hope. Your child’s life may be different, especially if you guide him with the light of your example, with the clarity of the wisdom that you have achieved and that you can continue to nurture with acts as simple as reading a book, for example .

On the Internet there are texts for free download, the reading of which will serve as a guide to discuss with your child such abstract topics as: Where does goodness come from, what is generosity, or the existence of that something that many call soul … One of those books It may be the one entitled  The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents , where the inspiration for this article came from.

Child with calm spirit

Here are the seven phrases or laws that strengthen your child’s spirit:

  1. Everything is possible:

With this phrase we tell our children that, regardless of what happens, there is nothing in this world that has the power to limit us, except ourselves. Never forget that when he is disappointed, you can say: Anything is possible, son. Everything is possible if you believe in yourself!

  1. If you want to get something, it doesn’t matter:

It is important to learn from children that “giving is the secret of abundance.” There is no mystery about this; It has always been true that to obtain love you must first give it, for example. Do your best to tell and show your child that if we want something we must give it first and that this advice applies to feelings and respect as well as to material things.

  1. When you make a choice, you change the future:

When we choose actions that bring joy and success to others, the fruit that comes into our lives is also joy and success. We have to choose all the time, even as children. So, imagine that your child always chooses with conscience, knowing that if, for example, he voluntarily obeys, he will not only make his parents happy but will be taking care of himself.

  1. Don’t resist, go with the flow:

This phrase has nothing to do with being conformist or one of the lot. It refers to the fact that we should enjoy each task that we undertake in our life. For example, work should feel like play, not punishment, but to experience that feeling we need to find fun in every activity.

As parents, we can turn a task into a game most of the time by removing the pressures that make fun impossible. Such pressures include warnings, threats, deadlines, recourse to blame, and offering money or other rewards for work done.

  1. Every time you want or hope for something, you sow a seed:

By expressing ourselves with this phrase, we tell our children that what we long for determines what we get, especially if the desire comes from the heart. That is why it is important to teach them to choose carefully what we put our effort into, because without a doubt we will get it.

  1. Enjoy the trip:

To internalize that everything in life is an experiment requires a lot of spiritual maturity. The idea is that your child learns to enjoy the journey of life without anxiety, for this it is crucial that he learns that issues such as that regardless of everything we already know, the fun of life is to discover how much we still have to learn, and that in this journey of life there are no failures, but rather it is about having experiences, to experiment. It is important that your child take as a philosophy of life that the more experiments we carry out, the better.

  1. You are here for a reason:

As children we must learn that we are here for a reason, and that reason may be to make grandmother smile, water a plant, take care of your brother. In reality, our children must learn from childhood that the important thing is not the task itself but the attitude with which we experience it, because when we live with joy, every second, no matter what we do, we will find reasons to make sense of our existence.

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