Free Movement In Babies: Benefits Of Applying The Pikler Method

Through the Pikler method, the child is offered freedom in their movements. Here we tell you what it is, its benefits and how to apply it.
Free movement in babies: benefits of applying the Pikler method

Babies, among their main needs, require understanding from their parents, both emotionally and bodily. Therefore, it is essential to allocate moments to observe them and understand in what period of their development they are, as well as to understand their great natural capacities, without interfering with them and what their needs are at each stage of growth. The Pikler method, among its main benefits, allows free movement in babies.

Observing a baby implies predisposition and attention to be able to perceive everything that it is capable of doing on its own. Allowing this is about free movement. The way in which the parents or guardians accompany, take care of and how they communicate with the infant, will undoubtedly be of great influence on their development.

What free movement is not about is forging, rushing or pressuring the child to perform movements or postures that they are not yet able to perform on their own. This, many times, has to do with anxieties of adults, which do not allow the child to freely express his potential.

Free movement in babies

Mother with her children applying the Pikler method to promote free movement in babies.

Allowing the baby to move freely, without rushing the natural order of its growth, is a sign of trust by parents towards their children. This also implies that the adult provides the baby with a safe and adapted environment so that it can move, explore and play, without restrictions.

Adding to the freedom of movement the conscious observation of the child, helps parents to get to know their child better, to understand and respect their personality, character, as well as their humor and tastes. Therefore, it strengthens the bond between the two, improving the response of adults to the baby’s needs.

What is the Pikler method?

The Hungarian pediatrician Emmi Pikler (1902-1984) created a method focused on respect for the free movement of the child, in which the adult does not intervene. Oriented to early childhood (0 to 3 years) describes that each baby knows how to adapt to space.

He defended that children develop according to their own capacity, as long as they have a safe environment, with comfortable clothes. As well as on the part of the adults who accompany him, let it be with respect, patience and understanding.

Pikler carried out numerous investigations in which he found that children who have freedom in their activities have greater security in their learning and exploration. They have more confidence in themselves and, therefore, suffer fewer accidents.

How to apply the Pikler method to promote free movement in babies?

To apply the Pikler method, it is essential that adults have a notion of the stages of development of the child. This will provide them with tools to accompany and promote their happiness. Voluntary movements you make must be respected. These are expressions of your muscular development, which will favor your body scheme. Therefore, it implies recognizing and valuing the child as a person, promoting their evolution as a free individual.

In addition, it is important to provide daily spaces, both at home and in school institutions, that have elements or instruments that familiarize you with everyday life, such as the kitchen, where you can play and enjoy.

The toys that are offered to the child should be specific, those that allow them to use them in various ways to expand their creativity. In addition, there are specific elements on the market to use the method, valid for the home as well as for educational institutions. The following are some of the Pikler furniture:

  • Tunnel.
  • Cube.
  • Ramp.
  • Triangle.
  • Platform.
  • Stair arch.

Benefits of the Pikler method

One of the main advantages of the Pikler method is that it can be applied both by parents or guardians and by their educators, as well as by doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists or any other health worker who monitors the child’s health. Without a doubt, it will be more profitable for him if all the adults who interact with the baby apply the method.

Girl playing with elements of the Pikler method.

In this sense, it has been studied that it offers children the following benefits:

  • Facilitates the autonomous evolution of postures.
  • Improved development on the move.
  • It helps with the perception and management of one’s own body.
  • Promotes balance.
  • It positively influences the affective relationship with their parents or guardians.
  • Increase awareness of the environment around you.
  • Contributes to a better comprehensive development.

Ultimately, the adult must be involved by being present, with awareness and constancy and, in this way, provide security to the child. It is the little one who emits the signals so that the caregiver guides him in a timely manner.

It is important that you maintain good, clear and simple communication, without interfering with the activity. The adult must maintain a calm and peaceful attitude. Therefore, this method, provides a great tool for parenting in the early years of the child.

The Pikler pedagogy and its guiding principles

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