Sleep In Children From The Year

Sleeping in a separate room can be difficult, but with easy strategies you will be able to achieve good sleep habits in children from one year of age so that this transition is not traumatic.
Sleep in children from the year

From birth, the child does not detach from the mother and usually sleeps in the same room or even in the same bed as the parents. When it is time for him to sleep alone and to achieve sleep in children from one year of age you can practice some routines that will help him relax.

The childhood dream after the first year

The newborn sleeps practically all the time, except when they eat. The sleep in children from one year of age is gradually formed with patterns of 12 hours between day and night. He usually needs the help of the mother or father to calm down and fall asleep until he can regulate the schedule.


Why doesn’t my child want to sleep?

Several reasons can trigger sleep disorders in children from the year on. One of the main causes is anxiety about leaving your parents’ bed or room. This makes him uncomfortable and produces fears and nightmares.

Other possible causes:

  • The discomfort of teething  also interfere with normal sleep
  • Have cold or heat
  • The rooms of strong and bright colors do not induce calm and sleep

Child sleep patterns

Usually the child needs between 10 and 13 hours of sleep. Still, there are children who sleep well all night and do not sleep during the day. Others sleep a little during the day and go back to sleep at night. While there are babies who do not want a nap because it interferes with their nighttime sleep pattern.

As he gets older he will be able to sleep through the night except for some waking periods and naps.

Influencing factors in the child’s sleep

Regular sleep in the baby will not be automatic, it can take months or years for it to adapt. In any case, it is important that you educate him on good sleep habits. Some probable causes of restlessness when sleeping are:

  • The child’s temperament and curiosity
  • Poor diet
  • Bad sleep habits in the first months of life
  • Diseases

Routines to promote sleep in children from one year on

Many children resist sleeping and win the battle if parents immediately give up. Keep in mind that it is a negative transition period for your baby. So be patient and take note of some effective and easy-to-implement strategies:

  • Give him a warm bath
  • Set the same bedtime each night
  • Read him a funny story or play a quiet game
  • Eliminate loud noises or lights in the room
  • Have your favorite blanket or toy close at hand so you don’t feel alone

You must determine how much time your child needs to sleep and how to spread those hours between day and night.


What not to do at bedtime?

It is important to eliminate any element or activity that causes distraction in the sleep of children from the year.

  • Do not place large stuffed animals or multiple pillows that the child can use as a springboard to jump out of the crib. Also avoid that the bed is close to curtains, cables or windows within reach.
  • Don’t let him take long naps.
  • That the child does not participate, moments before sleeping, in very dynamic games that exalt him.
  • Avoid eating too much at dinner time, especially sweets.
  • Don’t make long visits to his room to reassure him. The effect will be the opposite.

Sleep in children from the year onwards can be regulated if you see their needs from their point of view. It is a matter of you trying the appropriate behaviors that promote good sleep habits. The important thing is that the child sleeps well and enough so that he does not have difficult behaviors during the day.

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