Can Breastfeeding Protect My Baby From Asthma?

Protecting the baby from asthma is something that worries mothers who suffer from this condition and, logically, they do not want their little ones to go through the same experience. Here are the benefits of breast milk as a form of prevention.
Can breastfeeding protect my baby from asthma?

Today, asthma affects many, many babies, especially when they are just a few months old. This problem has a genetic basis; that is, if the father or mother suffers from this condition, the baby may also have it. Therefore, doctors recommend that the mother feed him with breast milk in order to protect the baby from asthma.

Breast milk, in addition to being safe, supplies all the necessary nutrients to the baby. It also protects you against many diseases.

Therefore, it is essential that the mother breastfeed her baby during the first 6 months of life. However, many parents wonder: What is asthma? What are your symptoms? What benefits does breastfeeding bring to its prevention?

Asthma, a common condition

It is a very common respiratory condition in babies in which the airways begin to become partially or totally obstructed. Among the most prominent symptoms of asthma in babies are: 

  • Dry cough.
  • Persistent phlegm
  • Noise or whistling in the chest.
  • Slight gasp (as if it were difficult to breathe).
  • Cold sensation when the baby cries.


It is not known exactly what causes asthma in babies. However, this could be due to genetic problems or environmental factors. These might include cigarette or tobacco smoke, substances that cause allergic reactions, air pollution, or strong odors, such as gasoline.

Breastfeeding can protect your baby from asthma as he grows up.

5 benefits of breastfeeding to protect your baby from asthma

It is known that breast milk can protect the baby from asthma, as it provides immune factors that are not achieved through formula milk. The benefits it brings can be summarized as follows:

1. Fight infections and diseases

If the mother breastfeeds the baby, breastfeeding reduces the risk of infection. Among the infections that are fought with breast milk are: asthma, diabetes, diarrhea and respiratory infections, among others.

2. Reduces the risk of suffering from asthma symptoms

In the case of those babies who have a genetic predisposition, breast milk reduces the risk of respiratory problems.

3. Provides nutrients

Breast milk, in addition to providing the nutrients that are needed to grow and develop in a healthy way, also  provides the antibodies that the baby needs to deal with multiple diseases such  as asthma.

4. Strengthens the lungs

Breastfeeding strengthens the baby’s lungs; In addition to increasing lung capacity, it transmits immunoglobulin, which protects it from allergies and asthma.

5. Helps the immune system

Because it contains lactoferrin, bifid factor and lipids, it helps the baby to have high defenses. Consequently, it improves the immune system.

In addition to protecting your baby from asthma, breast milk has many other benefits.

Other advantages of breast milk

Beyond the benefits discussed above to protect the baby from asthma, breast milk also has other advantages:

  • It is an easy food for the baby to digest  when he is sick.
  • It improves the child’s relationship with his mother and produces emotional stability.
  • It comforts the baby when he is sick or tired.
  • Relax the mother.
  • Reduces the risk of bleeding after delivery.
  • It reduces the risk of contamination, since it comes directly from the mother’s nipple.
  • It helps in the maturation of the baby’s intelligence.
  • Fight constipation.
  • Thanks to the fact that it contains iron, it strengthens the defenses.
  • Prevents sudden death syndrome.

What Nutrients Does Breast Milk Have?

Breast milk contains living cells that allow the development and growth of the baby. In addition, it contains carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins, anti-infective and antiviral properties.

It is also a source of fatty acids and amino acids. All of these nutrients are essential for the full development of the baby; therefore, do not stop breastfeeding to take advantage of them.

In conclusion, protecting the baby from asthma is something important that every mother can do through the act of breastfeeding. For this reason it is recommended to provide breast milk for at least the first 6 months of life. Doing so will help him grow healthy and strong.

In addition, skin-to-skin contact will strengthen the bonds between the two of you and increase your self-esteem. It is a unique and magical moment that every woman experiences and that contributes greatly to her healthy development.

9 benefits of breastfeeding for you, mom

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