Quinoa: A Food For Everyone In The Home

Quinoa is a pseudocereal rich in fiber that will help induce satiety while providing group B vitamins.
Quinoa: a food for everyone in the home

It is essential to offer our body supplies from a healthy and natural food source. Here we will explain why everyone in the family should eat quinoa.

Quinoa is one of those products that few know but that have several properties. It is considered a pseudocereal because  it’s just a little seed .

But don’t let its size fool you! There are many nutrients and properties it contains. This is something worth observing given the natural and organic character of this food .

Quinoa is rich in fiber


Quinoa is a food rich in fiber. This condition allows it to be appropriate when seeking to induce satiety, according to a study published in 2016. For this reason it is appropriate to include within a hypocaloric diet.

With her, We can reduce the consumption of carbohydrates that can be a burden when trying to lose weight. All this without renouncing the contribution of group B vitamins.

Quinoa is a suitable cereal for the elderly

In old age, one of the most common problems is food restrictions. It all lies in the fact that our body does not respond in the same way and we need more care to extend our life span .

For this reason, this seed ensures us a source of low glycemic carbohydrates that will not stress the pancreas. . If you replace breads and pasta with this pseudo cereal, you can regulate blood sugar levels and thus improve health.

The added value is its natural antioxidants, which reduce free radicals and help slow cell aging. 

Children obtain the necessary nutrients for their good growth


Protein, phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium, B vitamins and much more will consume your little one. To illustrate, we can say that per cup of quinoa provides 220 calories, 39 grams of carbohydrates and 4 grams of fat.

For something, the pre-Hispanic Incas they thought that this was “the mother of cereals.” The contribution of B vitamins is essential for the functioning of the cognitive system, according to an article published in the journal “Nutrients”. In this way, its intake in children will help reduce the risk of problems at the brain level, including depression.

This food contains vitamin E, which helps to strengthen the defenses, in addition to calcium. In this way, proper growth and strength of the bones is stimulated.

It is a food that can be included in the adult diet

Do you see your husband complain about a few extra pounds? Well, instead of resorting to sweets and hors d’oeuvres for an afternoon snack, you can complement your diet with a rich quinoa-based dish.

This will give you more vitality and help you experience the feeling of fullness. . You will improve your body composition since satiety will help you not to snack between meals, thus reducing your daily energy intake.

Quinoa is a food that you can include in your regular diet

Quinoa is a suitable food to include in many types of diets. When looking to reduce weight, it allows not giving up a small carbohydrate intake without altering the glucose curve. On the other hand, its fiber content induces satiety reducing the risk of snacking on processed foods between meals.

It is also rich in minerals and vitamins of group B, which is important to guarantee the correct cognitive development of the little ones.

Finally, it is worth noting its versatility. It is a cereal that can be included in multiple culinary preparations and that is adequately adapted to both meat and fish. It is a good substitute for white paste, this being a lower quality industrial product.

Anyway, remember that the basis of a good diet is variety. For this reason you should alternate the quinoa with other products rich in carbohydrates such as brown rice or buckwheat. Also remember to avoid refined flours that can harm your health in the medium and long term. All of this combined with regular physical exercise will help you feel better.

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