Kung Fu For Kids

There are many values ​​that a martial art like Kung Fu can offer our children. In addition to being a good physical activity and teaching them to defend themselves, the little ones will reinforce some important values, such as confidence, self-discipline, self-esteem and many more.
Kung Fu for kids

Often times, both parents and children may come to see Kung Fu classes as just another fun activity, like going to the movies, or an afternoon of soccer with friends. However, this martial art offers much more: Kung Fu for children teaches self-discipline, confidence and improves self-esteem.

Martial arts in general provide a number of physical, mental, and social attributes that can benefit children. Starting at the age of five, infants learn about respect and discipline in a fun and safe environment.

Different martial arts like Kung Fu, Taekwondo, and Aikido are a fun way for both boys and girls to get into physical shape. Some parents may think that they also promote violence, but in reality this is not the case. Martial arts really teach self-discipline and socialization skills.

Kung Fu for children is especially recommended for those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This martial art is effective in promoting self-control and concentration, exactly the skills affected in children with ADHD.

10 reasons to practice Kung Fu for kids

If some parents still have doubts about enrolling their children in martial arts academies, reviewing the benefits of these activities may change your mind:

  • Self-defense: Kung Fu for children uses this ability as the foundation of its entire scheme; With their regular practice, children will learn to defend themselves in different ways.
  • Encourage self-discipline: Martial arts in general, and Kung Fu in particular, help instill mental focus in children; They provide them with the ability to focus on a task and complete it.
    Kung Fu for children brings great benefits to their physical and mental health.
    • The discipline that is taught in the practice of Kung Fu often extends to other areas of life;  there are rules regarding the maintenance of uniforms, customs and techniques. These can be extrapolated to school and household tasks.
    • Physical Activity: Jump warm-ups, push-ups, and stretches are an integral part of Kung Fu, especially when it comes to children; it is both an aerobic and anaerobic activity.
    • Provides benefits for toning your muscles, gaining flexibility, and improving fitness. Likewise, heart, kidney and digestive function is optimized.

      The development of important values

      The advantages of Kung Fu for children are not limited to the physical. We can also list other types of benefits:

      • Kung fu creates important values ​​for mental development, such as respect. Children learn to bow to their teachers, instructors, and peers. Positioning, kicking, and blocking are just one part; the important thing is respect for oneself and for others.
      • Increased self-esteem: the child who practices a martial art has confidence in himself . The belt classification system provides the child with tangible goals to follow. The feeling of mastering a technique or getting a new belt will benefit you in all aspects of your life.
      • Self-awareness: through the practice and learning of Kung Fu, the child will begin to recognize his physical and mental abilities, will learn from mistakes and will know how to overcome them. An essential part of this sport is putting the emphasis on pushing boundaries and posing new challenges.
      • Develops self-esteem: it is a fundamental element in the formation of the child’s personality. High self-esteem will guide you to perceive yourself as competent, confident, and valuable. This will translate positively at school, at home, and in adjusting to their immediate environment.
      Martial arts for children have many benefits.

      Conflict resolution and socialization

      Kung Fu and martial arts teach techniques that encourage the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Many academies teach children smart techniques: defensive and deterrent styles to encourage non-use of physical violence, avoid problems, and have resources to fix them.

      Likewise, it makes known socialization skills; This sport will provide the child who practices it with an appropriate social behavior. The reason is that it encourages cooperative activities, motivating team achievement and, of course, respecting and recognizing other children.

      On the other hand, in the intellectual aspect, it encourages attention and concentration on a certain task.  In addition, it stimulates memory and gives children the necessary tools to differentiate, order, imagine and create.

      In a society like the current one, full of images, ways of life and situations that can be toxic for the mental development of our children, the practice of a martial art such as Kung fu can be very positive. Give him the idea and invite him to try this healthy sport.

      The advantages of martial arts

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